AlgoUK Workshop at Warwick

On 17-18 September, we will be hosting the AlgoUK workshop at Warwick. AlgoUK is a two-day national workshop, combining a UK theory day with an additional one-day workshop focusing on applications and applied areas relevant to algorithms and complexity. The talks will take place in MS.02

More details are available on the event web page:

Summer School on Hashing and Applications

Hashing is used everywhere in computing and is getting increasingly important with the exploding amount of data. A summer school at the University of Copenhagen provided an in-depth introduction to hashing, both theory and applications. The topics ranged from modern theory of hashing, to actual implementations of hash functions that are both efficient and provide the necessary probabilistic guarantees. Application areas studied, included sketching and data bases, similarity estimation, and machine learning.

Slides and video recordings from the summer school are available now.  Neustar has a nice write up of the event.