Advancing educational justice for refugee and immigrant youth

We’re leveling the playing field for New American youth.

By 2025, one quarter of America’s public school population will be English language learners from refugee and immigrant backgrounds.

Like all students, newcomers are full of potential – but our education system fails to set them up for success, putting them in classes based on their age rather than their skill level.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Two soccer players in green and yellow jerseys jump excitedly on a field, with a bright sky and clouds in the background.

With more than 20 years’ experience working with refugee and immigrant students, Fugees Family has redesigned the newcomer experience to be one where students are challenged academically, feel safe and supported, and are acquiring the English language faster than any other program or method.

Through holistic English immersion and intensive, personalized interventions, our students achieve grade-level proficiency in three years or less. Our model is one of excellence and rigor, setting high expectations and standards for students, families and educators.

Creating change that lasts requires innovation, bravery, and a willingness to do things differently.

Newcomer Model

We’re transforming newcomer education through rapid academic acceleration, music and art therapy, and inclusive soccer participation. Join us in making a difference.

Professional Trainings

Whether it’s family engagement strategies, tools to support language acquisition, or understanding the refugee and immigrant experience, our team of expert coaches are ready to share practical skills and approaches with your team.

Who We Are

Founded by the daughter and granddaughter of refugees, Fugees Family is a team of passionate educators, former district administrators, and nonprofit leaders on a mission to advance educational justice for refugee and immigrant youth around the country.

Our Story

“We have seen advances in every aspect of our lives —
except our humanity.”

–Luma Mufleh, founder of the first accredited school for refugees in the United States

Learn more about Luma and our story.


More than 30

countries represented

More than 201%

average typical growth in reading


states and growing


of students achieve grade-level academic proficiency within three years

More than 210%

average typical growth in math


of our high school graduates get accepted into college

See our work featured in:

A person dressed in a light blue shirt, glasses, and a yellow and green striped tie is smiling while sitting indoors with their hands on their lap. Blurred posters are visible in the background.

Student, Georgia

“I’ve built a second family – a second home – with Fugees, that I’m able to talk and connect with, to share my problems. They will help me out in any way possible.”

A woman with long brown hair wearing a green shirt smiles at the camera. A purple and yellow sign is visible in the blurred background.

Teacher, Bowling Green Independent Schools

“From the minute they walk in the door, [our students] are seen as an individual with much to offer the world and as someone who is capable of learning and doing amazing, wonderful things with their life. And they’re given exactly what they need in order to be able to do that.”

A man with a shaved head and a goatee, wearing a grey suit jacket and checkered shirt, stands in a gym with a basketball hoop in the background.
Gary Fields

Superintendent, Bowling Green Independent Schools

“We believe it is unjust to enroll newcomer students in age-appropriate middle and high school classes with no foundational English language, reading, or math skills.”

Want better results for your newcomer students?

Partner with us to design a newcomer program that achieves real results. From whole school design, strategic planning and execution our partnership model fits the unique needs of every district serving English Learners.