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City of Seattle’s Neighborhood Matching Fund Invests $1,123,111 in 27 Community-led Projects 

The City of Seattle has awarded $1,123,111 to support 27 community-initiated projects through the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF). Twenty-seven community groups received awards averaging $41,597 and have pledged $1,034,436 to match their award through local cash donations, volunteer hours, donated materials, and in-kind professional services. Beginning… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle wins National Civic League All-American City Award

In April, Seattle was named as a finalist for the prestigious All-America City Award. Over a weekend in early June, a group of leaders from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON) traveled to Denver for the 75th annual All-America City Award Event to show how Seattle exemplifies the power of… [ Keep reading ]

Share your memories about Section 504 civil rights protests 

The Section 504 protests were a landmark civil rights demonstration that took place in 1977 demanding implementation of laws requiring equal access to federal projects for people with disabilities. Sit-ins and demonstrations happened across the country, and as part of our Disability Activism History Project, we have learned that Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Data to Action: How Seattle’s P-Patch Program is Growing with Equity

This article was written by the City of Seattle Innovation and Performance team and was originally published on their blog. Walking through Seattle streets, you are bound to pass a Department of Neighborhoods P-Patch community garden, a lush plot of land dedicated to vegetables, herbs, and flowers. P-Patches are so… [ Keep reading ]

Northwest Native Artist and Carver creates imagery for Indigenous Advisory Council

The Indigenous Advisory Council (IAC), which was formed in 2022, just celebrated their first full year of collaboration. This year, they collaborated with the Office of Intergovernmental Relations to host the first Tribal Nations Summit, which resulted in plans and actions including those that further their mission to be a… [ Keep reading ]

Community Profile: Linda Taylor Increasing Black Homeownership For 26 Years

“Many people are denied a loan, not because they are uncreditworthy but because they have inaccuracies on their credit report.” ~ Linda Tayor, VP of Housing & Financial Empowerment at the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle For the past 26 years, Linda Taylor has been working in the Seattle area… [ Keep reading ]

Community Profile: Dennis Comer – Executive Director at Central Area Collaborative

Dennis Comer is a member of the Department of Neighborhoods’ Generational Wealth Initiative cohort and a designer of the pilot project Community Controlled Capital. “Community Controlled Capital is a direct attempt at bypassing systemic racist financial institution practices that prevent minority-owned small businesses the opportunity to receive fair treatment in… [ Keep reading ]

The Griot Party Experience Amplifies Black Storytelling in Seattle

Seattle-based educator, artist, and activist, Logic Amen, hosted The Griot Party Experience on January 13, at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute. The event was made possible by a special collaboration between Amen and the Department of Neighborhoods (DON). Moving performances and powerful storytelling rooted in the Griot tradition were… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle P-Patch Community Remembers Yao Fou Hinh Chao’s 25 Years of Service

For more than 25 years, Yao Fou Hinh Chao selflessly contributed to the P-Patch community by supporting over 800 immigrant gardeners with backgrounds ranging from Lao, Iu Mien, Vietnamese, Khmu, Hmong, Russian, and Latino. He mentored gardeners in crop rotation, garden planning, fertilization, organic soil practices, soil building, composting, harvesting,… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy: Local Events and Story Highlights

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is January 15! In the spirit of Seattle’s Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI) everyone at Department of Neighborhoods (DON) is looking forward to celebrating the life and contributions of this inspiring human rights hero. Here are some local MLK Day events and a few… [ Keep reading ]