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Be “Rumble Ready”– Practice Earthquake Response with Your Neighbors

by Cindi Barker

If Seattle were to experience an earthquake or another large, disruptive event, are neighbors ready to support one another until help can arrive? The Seattle Emergency Communications Hubs are here to help and they are holding their major yearly practice on June 1 and June 9. The sessions are all the same and take place in multiple locations across the city on two separate dates.

Each event is a practice scenario where you will:

  • Gather and share information (some gained by amateur radio),
  • Set up resource sharing among neighbors,
  • Deploy volunteers efficiently, and
  • Share valuable information.

“We are in a rebuilding stage after COVID-19 and it’s really important to practice our skills,” said Ann Forest, coordinator for the exercise. She encourages everyone in the community near an Emergency Communications Hub to stop in and learn or help.  “We especially need people who can read a short script and present the Hub a problem to solve. Everyone is welcome!”

Stop by any time between 1 – 3 p.m. on either June 1 or June 9 (or both) at one of these locations (map HERE)  You can…

  • Help us by becoming an “actor”. 
  • Learn how the Hubs operate.
  • Find your role in a disaster – everyone has skills!
  • Experience how radio communications will be essential in a major power-outage.

This two-day event, hosted by Seattle Emergency Community Hubs, is the major practice session for 2024. Don’t miss it!

Learn about how the Office of Emergency Management is preparing Seattle, find out how to build your own Emergency Kit, and learn about training and how to make a training request.