Community Leadership

“An equitable governing council of leaders who serve on behalf of the coalition. With diverse program missions, they possess expertise in racial justice and power building and collectively work at the intersection of equity, environmental and climate justice.”

Our Community Council members come from our membership. They are ambassadors for our coalition and direct the work of Front and Centered, shaping the work plan, setting goals, and providing guidance to our coordination team as we advance our vision of a Just Transition.

How We Work

Community Leadership, Committees, Workgroups, Policy Tables

Community Leadership

An equitable governing council of leaders who serve on behalf of the coalition. With diverse program missions, they possess expertise in racial justice and power building and collectively work at the intersection of equity, environmental and climate justice.

Community Leadership Holds the Vision, Guides the Coalition and FC Core Team on the Following

  • Policy positions
  • Program priorities
  • Coalition Advocacy
  • Civic Engagement
  • Resourcing the coalition and movement

Policy & Programs | Capacity Building

Community Capacity

Community committee recommends priorities for resource development, investments, outreach, technical assistance, communications, and projects aimed to strengthen internal capacity of member groups.

Policy & Programs

Community committee recommends priorities for advocacy/policy positions, programs, government forums and positions of local leaders in the forefront.


Community Council Members in Action