Frontline Communities, Equity

We seek a Just Transition away from an extraction-based economy to one centered on ecological restoration, community resilience, and social equity, fueled by regenerative resources and cooperative work, governed by deep democracy, and a culture of caring and sacredness.

Act Now: House Bill 2070

That’s right, the CURB Act has a Senate hearing!

Your hard work is paying off. Thanks to all of you who took action in the last couple of weeks, House Bill 2070 (the CURB Pollution Act) is scheduled for a committee vote on Monday. On top of that, we’ve just heard that the Senate version of the bill is going to get a hearing!

Senate Bill 5990 will be heard this Tuesday, Jan. 30, by the Senate Environment, Energy, and Technology Committee.

Our bill will not get the chance to be voted on by the full Senate unless this committee moves it forward. That means we need you help us to move our bill forward by signing in PRO for the CURB Pollution Act!

(What does it mean to sign in PRO? It means you enter your name and contact information into a form, where you will also mark your position as PRO to show you support our bill!)

Take action in less than a minute by signing in PRO for CURB:

The Just Transition Leadership Program

Frontline communities don’t just need to survive—we need to thrive. Our communities will only be stronger and more effective the more connected we are to each other, and the more we are able to support each other in our efforts to create the change we need and the future we want. That’s why we’re excited to announce the Just Transition Leadership Program.

Join us in creating a collective movement toward a more just and equitable future!


Community Assemblies

If we're not prepared to govern, we're not prepared to win.

Our 2024 Legislative Agenda

Communities of color, Indigenous peoples, and people with lower incomes are on the frontlines of the climate and environmental crisis. For the 2024 “short” legislative session, our coalition of frontline communities focused on reducing pollution in our most at-risk and overburdened communities and ensuring that state budget allocations meet mandated obligations to overburdened communities and vulnerable populations.

Conversations. Stories. Film.

Earth Deserves More Than a Day

April 17–21

Read Our Blog


Why We’ve Launched the
Just Transition Leadership Program


Frontline Communities Practice Earth Day Every Day


Mel Baggs and the Intersections of Neurodivergency, Disability Justice, and a Just Transition


Join Us for Community Education in Action!

Apply now: HEAL Community! Fund

Thanks to the mobilization and determination of our coalition members and frontline communities, Front and Centered secured funds to shape implementation of the Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act and create the HEAL Community! Fund.

Watch the video to learn who is eligible for grants through the fund, and then use the links below to find detailed information and start your application!

Our HEAL Progress Report is now live!

The HEAL Act is groundbreaking legislation, but its promise will only be realized if frontline communities make sure our shared vision is realized throughout implementation. We know it’s not environmental justice if the communities most impacted aren’t resourced and participating.

In our HEAL Progress Report: Seeding the Culture and Building the Structures for a Just Transition through Washington’s Landmark Law on Environmental Justice, Front and Centered assesses HEAL implementation so far, identifies key challenges in that process, and provides clear recommendations for moving forward and realizing the vision of the HEAL Act.

In a new report, Exposing False Solutions: How Washington’s Cap and Trade Program Gives Industrial Polluters a Free Pass, Front and Centered explores our state’s cap-and-trade scheme which provides allowances to many of Washington’s biggest polluters and its impacts on our communities.

On the Frontlines

with Jill and Edgar

Season 3

In a new report, A Transportation Justice Agenda for Washington State, Front and Centered is proposing a sweeping agenda for justice to reorient the way we invest our transportation dollars and prioritize safety with clear standards for improving transit and safe sidewalks and crosswalks.

The report also features some information from the Washington Transit Access Map, which just launched today!



In Washington and across the country, a person’s race, even more than their income, is the most important factor that determines how their health is impacted by climate change and pollution. As highlighted by the frontline voices in our report, Community Report on Environmental Justice, environmental justice (EJ) can be achieved by directing the focus of state agencies to the communities most impacted. The findings of our community report, which helped inform the landmark Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act, offer a firsthand account of how human health is impacted by pollution and climate impacts, and how it can be improved by government focus. 

Just Movement Community Report –
Transitioning Transportation in Washington State

Transportation makes up 40% of Washington GHG pollution and is a core contributor to the disproportionate impacts of pollution in Washington State, the most overburdened communities being disportionately communities of color. These impacts literally take years off our lives. Through Front and Centered statewide listening sessions and surveys, Washington’s communities of color named air quality and health, and increasing the quantity and quality of public transit as priorities for action.