Free Yourself

If you are under 22 years old and live in Scotland, you are eligible for free nationwide bus travel. Apply now.

Opening doors to new adventures and endless possibilities

The Scottish Government is investing in a sustainable future for young people, with easier access to work, education, social and leisure opportunities through free bus travel.  With just under a million children and young people expected to be eligible, this generation of young people can make travel choices that benefit them, their pocket and the planet! Leading the way to a brighter future.

Free yourself

Where will free bus travel take you?

100 million free bus journeys made by under 22s

More than 100 million free bus journeys have been made since the Scottish Government introduced free bus travel for under 22s.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop, and Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights, Patrick Harvie, marked the milestone at Wester Hailes High School in Edinburgh, where they heard how young people and their families have benefited from the scheme.

Ms Hyslop said:

“I’m really pleased to see that over 100 million journeys have now been made by under 22s across Scotland – and that the scheme is making a positive difference to young peoples’ lives.

“This policy is truly transformative. It’s reducing travel costs for young people and their families; encouraging a shift towards public transport from private car use and improving access to social, leisure, education and employment opportunities.

“The findings of the one year evaluation are also key to ensuring the scheme continues to have a positive impact going forward. We will work with operators and other key partners to ensure that service provision matches demand from young people, and that free bus travel continues to have a truly transformative impact across Scotland.”

Unlocking your potential

The National Entitlement Card (NEC) is your key to unlocking free bus travel. You’ll need your NEC or Young Scot NEC before your travel. Find out how to do that here.

How it works

Check who is eligible and which buses you can use. 

Free bus, free you

How to apply

There are different ways to apply. See which one is best for you.

Get in touch

Find contact details for your local council and more.

Laptop and phone

Older and Disabled Free Bus Travel

If you are over 60 years old or disabled you may also be eligible for free bus travel.

If you’re under 22 and disabled you can choose between the Disabled Persons’ scheme or the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel scheme. Some local council areas provide discounted travel on rail, tram or subway with a Disabled Persons’ NEC, but you are likely to have to renew that card more often.

But remember: If you have a Disabled Companion card, which lets someone travel for free with you, then you should not change to the new scheme as it doesn’t allow anyone to travel with you for free.

Find out more on the Transport Scotland website now.