Observatoire Lowell - Admission générale

Observatoire Lowell - Admission générale

Par Lowell Observatory
À propos
À Lowell Observatory, l’histoire et la science se rencontrent! Votre billet vous donne accès à des visites guidées du campus historique, notamment du célèbre chemin emprunté par Clyde Tombaugh le soir de sa découverte de Pluton, ainsi que du réfracteur Clark de 1896. Découvrez le cosmos à travers des expositions, des présentations en direct et sur un globe interactif 3D. Vous pourrez observer le soleil tous les jours et observer les ��toiles tous les soirs par beau temps. En octobre, l'Observatoire Giovale Open Deck sera ouvert avec une suite de six télescopes sophistiqués pour voir le ciel comme jamais auparavant.

Âges : 0-100
Durée : De 2 à 4 heures
Horaire de début : vérifier la disponibilité
Billet mobile
Guide en direct : anglais

  • Admission toute la journée
  • Regarder à partir d'une variété de télescopes à guidage
  • Visites guidées
  • Entrée – Lowell Observatory

  • Accessible aux personnes en fauteuil roulant
  • Accessible en poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance acceptés
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  • Pour un remboursement intégral, annulez au moins 24 heures avant la date de début de l'expérience.

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  • Lowell Observatory
    2 009
    Flagstaff, États-Unis
  • Caroline R
    0 contribution
    À faire et de nuit
    Visite à faire de nuit ! L’atmosphère est exceptionnelle : petite conférence en extérieur sur les étoiles, possibilité d’observer les astres depuis un télescope…
    Rédigé le 6 mai 2023
  • Marinacmoi77
    0 contribution
    A faire !
    Expérience unique ! Nous avons pu observer Saturne et ses anneaux au telescope. Jusqu'à 23h : 6 télescopes à disposition. On est resté les derniers alors que c'était encore ouvert mais tout le monde était parti. Le personnel était rien que pour nous, ils nous ont aidés à prendre des photos dans les telescopes avec nos portables. Nous avons ed photos de Saturne et ses anneaux (tout petit mais quand même !) Et des superbes photos de la lune...) 25$ peut sembler cher mais l'expérience est unique...
    Rédigé le 9 août 2022
  • 459axelr
    0 contribution
    Excellent !
    Super découverte que cet observatoire ! Possibilité d'utiliser des téléscoped énormes la nuit venue ! C'est ici que pluton a été découverte ! Les différentes animations journalières sont excellentes. Je recommande vivement.
    Rédigé le 28 juillet 2019
  • Elena L
    0 contribution
    Tout savoir sur Pluton !
    Un endroit merveilleux d'où les passionnés d'astronomie pourront voir le téléscope à travers lequel Pluton, hélas déclassé aujourd'hui, a été découverte ! visite guidée passionnante (mais uniquement en anglais). Si on en a l'occasion, essayer de revenir le soir à partir de 21 heures pour pouvoir y admirer les étoiles (si le temps le permet). Il suffit d'appeler pour vérifier avant, le ciel de l'Arizona est magnifique !
    Rédigé le 21 septembre 2018
  • 297francoisb
    0 contribution
    La tête dans les étoiles
    Aux Etats unis pour assister à l’éclipse totale de soleil le 21 août, la visite de cet observatoire "historique" dans lequel Lowell a cru voir des canaux sur mars et détecter trace humaine est extrêmement intéressante. On peut voir la lunette de Lowell et observer le ciel au travers des nombreux télescopes au cours d'observations organisées.
    Rédigé le 9 septembre 2017
  • liliP14
    0 contribution
    soirée la tête dans les étoiles !
    arrivés avant le coucher du soleil nous avons profité du coucher et du lever des étoiles une par une. Superbe ! le personnel est au top, passionné mais accessible, ils transmettent leur passion. et il y a tellement a voir !
    Rédigé le 11 juillet 2017
  • Alice N
    0 contribution
    Très sympas à faire! Ludique. Malheureusement nous ne parlions pas assez bien anglais pour comprendre toutes les explications des guides. Si vous y aller à pied, vous pourrez apercevoir de très sympathique vu de Flagstaff.
    Rédigé le 28 octobre 2016
  • Thierry P
    0 contribution
    Des guides enthousiastes et hyper sympas font entrer dans la magie du lieu et de son histoire. Définitivement un endroit qui mérite d être connu et qui a participé a la grande histoire de l astronomie!
    Rédigé le 3 août 2016
  • betty l
    0 contribution
    moins impressionant que prévu...
    Probablement la visite à la nuit tombée est-elle plus intéressante. Ici on peut observer le soleil au travers d'une petite lunette astronomique et parcourir à pied le grand chemin de l'univers. Les explications ne sont qu'en anglais et parfois difficiles à comprendre. Nous n'avons pas suivi de visite guidée.
    Rédigé le 7 septembre 2014
    0 contribution
    Tres intéressant. Visite en petit groupe, avec des guides passionnés.
    Nous sommes passés par Flagstaff un peu par hasard, entre le grand canyon et, hélas, le retour a partir de Phoenix. Petite ville nichée dans la verdure, avec un historic downtown de quelques rues bien sympathiques et le Lowell observatory qui vaut vraiment le détourn et où nous avons appris enormément de choses, et notamment que Pluton n'etait plus une planète.
    Rédigé le 28 août 2012
  • 0 contribution
    Home of Pluton
    Nous avons visite l'observatoire de jour, on a acces aux differents telescopes dont celui qui a permis a Lowell de decouvrir Pluton. Il y a aussi un tres beau telescope de 116 ans, toujours en activite qui a permis entre autre de cartographier tres precisement la Lune. Nous sommes retournes le soir pour observer le ciel. Nous avons uniquement pu voir Saturne (c'est magnifique), car rapidement la queue a l'entree des 2 observatoires devient tres, tres, tres longue. A noter aussi un parcours au milieu de la foret de pin qui reproduit a l'echelle la distance entre le soleil et les differentes planetes du systeme solaire.
    Rédigé le 9 juillet 2012
Tout afficher (2 009 avis)
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32 avis
Très bon

Rochester, État de New York29 contributions
avr. 2023
Where Pluto was discovered!

Watched the full moon rise over the City of Flagstaff from Lowell Observatory. They set up a telescope so guests could observe. The cloud cover was mixed.

They also had other telescopes set up to observe Venus and stars.

The presentations about chemical compounds of stars was fascinating. An enlightening experience.

The gift shop is top notch too!

At an elevation of 7000 feet be prepared for cooler temperatures. Some activities are outside and you walk to various buildings.
Écrit le 6 mai 2023
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Jason B
Tucson, AZ559 contributions
mars 2020
This was high on my list of attractions for our trip to Flagstaff. We went in March and the weather certainly dictated our plans. We were able to find a mostly clear night. There are discounts for students, military, and children that can help with the admission costs. The astronomers/staff hinted that the full moon kind of "boned" the options for star-gazing. While true, the images of the fully lit disc of the moon was something I'll never forget. To see the full disc, all of the craters, lit up so bright...it was honestly moving. I would highly recommend finding a clear night, preferably little moonlight and checking this out. The staff is super helpful and you can tell how much they love astronomy.
Écrit le 2 avril 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

Lauren C
9 contributions
mars 2020
It was cloudy the day we went, so we didn't get to see any stars. BUT the Lowell Tour and Story of Pluto tour done by Curtis were great! Super interesting and informative. Even without the telescope viewing, my husband and I really enjoyed our visit. We can't wait to go back on a clear day and night to view through the telescope!
Écrit le 16 mars 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for your review! We're so glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit to the observatory. Curtis will be thrilled to hear that he could help make your experience memorable and educational. We hope you come back to visit us soon!
Écrit le 24 mars 2020
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

Haines, AK88 contributions
févr. 2020
I visited this “attraction” one evening based upon a friend’s recommendation and once we arrived and paid the $40.00 entrance fee for two senior admissions we were handed a map and were immediately told all of the things that were not open that evening (at 7:00pm). The list of closed attractions and things that were “under construction” was quite extensive. The things that my friend suggested I see had all been removed and were no longer available for public viewing.

“Fine” I thought, so what IS available to see and do here I asked the young man at the ticket counter? He told us the only two options left for us to do at 7:00pm was either go look through a couple of telescopes that were set up outside (it was extremely cold that evening and the wind was blowing) or we could listen to a speech about the planet Pluto.

We wanted to see if we could do both, so we walked away from the ticket counter area to discover that the outside telescope viewing area was located at the top of their property (as was almost everything else) which could only be reached via a very steep, dark, trail in the cold night air. Not something I would recommend to every senior citizen but since we had already paid $40.00 to see anything at this point, we started out on this steep, frigid trek. I was already cursing the fact that we had both just eaten a very substantial dinner right before we arrived here as we were not informed that we would both be receiving this “workout” when we arrived, but nonetheless we made it to the top of the hill.

We then discovered they only had two marginally powerful telescopes you could look through. I looked through the first one that was supposed to show me the planet Venus which only appeared to be a very distant white crescent shaped glow, as if you were looking at the moon from very far away. Certainly nothing worth the $40.00 admission we paid to get in here, so we checked out the other telescope of the moon.
Yep, it was the moon alright, but I believe my neighbor’s store-bought telescope was more powerful. Certainly nothing in the way of any detail.

So, after giving up on this idea (and starting to shiver) we concluded that the only other thing left to do was to go listen to the speech about Pluto. So, we then hiked across their property (in the dark) to another building which we could barely find.

It was a very large, round room with a large globe in the center which they could project images on.
The acoustics in the room were terrible and when the college aged young man started speaking he immediately apologized for the terrible sound and began.
We tried to listen to this young man for about ten minutes but could not make out half of what he was saying. Then, his computer started showing the wrong images on the globe in the center of the room and was causing them to rotate which the young man again apologized for. It seemed as though he had lost all control of the visual aspect of this venue and just when it seemed like things couldn’t get much worse, a young lady seated in front of us simply passed out and fell forward straight to the ground. It stopped the entire “show” and at that point the paramedics were called and we were all instructed to leave.

Since there was virtually nothing left to do or see here at that point, I suggested to my friend that we leave this establishment and head back home, so we hiked back down the hill towards the ticket counter where I explained what we had experienced that evening to the man at the ticket counter and was told that they do not offer any type of refunds. What a waste of $40.00!!!

I realize there was nothing this establishment could have done to prevent that poor woman from experiencing her unfortunate medical episode, but even had that not happened I would hardly say anything we did that evening was worth the very steep admission price that they charge and I will certainly never go back.

Two things they should warn you about here that we were never told about; If you decide to go here be prepared for a fairly strenuous hike in order to see anything. Also, they keep the entire location extremely dark so it does not interfere with their star gazing. Maybe TOO dark, as we had difficulty figuring out where things were and noticed several people stumbling over and complaining about steps/stairs that were not lit. If you live in Flagstaff and are looking for something to do some evening, save your money and cross this place off of your list of ideas.
Écrit le 11 mars 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for your review! We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your visit to the observatory. Your feedback has been passed along to the appropriate staff. If you have any further comments or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at info@lowell.edu.
Écrit le 13 mars 2020
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

alberta216 contributions
sept. 2019
We were a little let down by the size of this place...we were expecting more than a collection of smallish buildings and a handful of telescopes. What they have is interesting, and the lectures are informative but if you're looking for a Science Centre type of place, this is not it. We were not able to look into the large telescope as the rain had caused it to fog, but there were a few others set up. Our outdoor lecture was more entertaining than really informative, but the staff really sells it. The gift shop is a decent size and the drive up to the observatory is beautiful. Worth checking out, but not if you have to go too far out of your way.
Écrit le 8 mars 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for your review! We're sorry to hear that the observatory didn't live up to your expectations. Your feedback has been passed along to the appropriate staff so that we can improve our public program in the future. If you have any further comments or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at info@lowell.edu.
Écrit le 13 mars 2020
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

Quincy, Illinois, United States69 contributions
mars 2020
My husband and I visited, while we are not "enthusiast" we do enjoy learning new information. We started with the story of Pluto, we had a very difficult time hearing the educator as there were a number of small children in the room, which was not acoustical by any means, her voice was soft spoken and high pitched, perhaps a microphone would have been helpful or stopping to ask the parents to either remove their children or quiet them. We then climbed to see the telescope and took turns to view the sun, which was amazing, then off to another small museum to see Mr Lowells car, then off to the visitor center to start another tour which had to be postponed as the video was not working, again the educator was very knowledgeable but again difficult to hear, again perhaps a microphone would have been beneficial. All in all it was a nice afternoon, just not a place for toddlers or children under 5 in this writers opinion.
Écrit le 6 mars 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for your review! We're so glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit to the observatory, even though your experience during the Story of Pluto Tour wasn't ideal. Your feedback has been passed along to the appropriate staff so that we can improve in the future. Thanks again for taking the time to write us a review; we hope you come back to visit us again soon!
Écrit le 13 mars 2020
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

New York City12 contributions
févr. 2020
Astronomy brought to life by energetic and engaging guides. The telescope view of the sun is unbelievable.
Écrit le 4 mars 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for your review! We're so glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit to the observatory. We hope to see you again soon!
Écrit le 13 mars 2020
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

Donald B
Floride centrale, Floride192 contributions
janv. 2020
The grounds are smaller than I'd imagined. There are some museum building you can explore, regularly scheduled talks on various subjects, scheduled walking tours to the main telescope and to the Pluto Discovery dome.

In the evening they have several telescopes set up where you can see specific objects depending on weather and time of year.

Be prepared to stay several hours if you want to do everything.
Écrit le 10 février 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for your review! We're glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit to the observatory and took advantage of the various activities we have to offer throughout the day. Visitors should definitely make sure they set aside a few hours to enjoy the observatory fully, especially when it comes to nighttime telescope viewing! Thanks again for your feedback; we hope to see you again soon!
Écrit le 19 février 2020
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

roderick m
Oslo, Norvège8 contributions
We had a great time here,,so informative,and got to see the Orion Nebula and the Moon using huge telescopes .A highlight not to be missed,the staff is very friendly and knowledgeable.Pluto was discovered here!
Écrit le 31 janvier 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for your review! We're so glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit to the observatory. Our staff will be happy to know that they could help make it as fun and educational as possible!
Écrit le 5 février 2020
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

Brandon S
2 contributions
janv. 2020 • En couple
Fantastic visit at the observatory, I would recommend to anyone who wants an informed look up at the night sky. Also the staff members were all very helpful and excited to teach the public.
Écrit le 27 janvier 2020
Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.
Thanks for your feedback! Our staff really does love sharing their astronomy knowledge with visitors; they'll be thrilled to hear that they could help make your experience a great one. We hope to see you again soon!
Écrit le 5 février 2020
Cette réponse est l'opinion subjective du gérant et non de Tripadvisor LLC.

Résultats affichés : 1-10 sur 32

Observatoire Lowell - Admission générale fourni par Lowell Observatory

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