Post de Small Scale Food Processor Association (SSFPA)

Congratulations to the newest group of Investor Q&A Certified Trainers (IrCTs)! These trainers are guiding women through the SSFPA’s VC Ready program, helping them polish their pitches and use the InvestorQ&A practice console. InvestorQ&A helps prepare entrepreneurs to win venture capital through focusing on the investor Q&A, a step in the investment process that many entrepreneurs are statistically underprepared for. … Félicitations au nouveau groupe de formatrices certifiées Investor Q&A (IrCTs) ! Ces formateurs guident les femmes à travers le programme VC Ready de la SSFPA, en les aidant à peaufiner leurs pitchs et à utiliser la console d'entraînement @Investor Q&A. InvestorQ&A aide les entrepreneurs à se préparer à obtenir du capital-risque en se concentrant sur les questions-réponses avec l'investisseur, une étape du processus d'investissement à laquelle de nombreux entrepreneurs sont statistiquement mal préparés. #cdnbusiness #venturecapital #fundingequality 

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👏 A round of applause to the newest InvestorQ&A Certified Trainers (IrCTs) 🎇 These incredible trainers have undergone rigorous sessions, practical workshops, and dozens and dozens of hours of hands-on experience under Ellen Farrell PhD's supervision. Their hard work and commitment make a significant impact, #empowering women entrepreneurs to master the skills needed to raise millions throughout the lifetime of their ventures. They are amazing! 💪 🙌 🚀 Investor Q&A is working at warp speed to build a vanguard of empowered leaders (#IrCTs), who are committed to revolutionize the landscape of women raising capital. We are confident that each of these #IrCTs possesses all the necessary skills to help women founders articulate their businesses into existence, and we couldn't be more proud. 🙏 🤝 Special thanks to our insightful partner Small Scale Food Processor Association (SSFPA) for sponsoring this new cadre of professionals. Together, we expanded our reach, amplified our impact, and ensured that more women have the tools to succeed and transform their ventures. #SSFPA #VCReady 🥇 ⚜ 🎉 Congratulations once again to Melanie Rupp & Erin Alexander (WeBC), Suzanne Tighe & Karen Lynn Evans (PARO Centre For Women's Enterprise), Monica Rivers (IGNITE Atlantic), Heather Lyon (founder of First start), Janet Dean, Carly Beneteau (Boundless Accelerator), S Nafisa Mahabub (FEAD Canada). Ellen Farrell PhD and the Investor Q&A team are incredibly proud of your dedication to supporting women founders. 👏 🏆 This achievement speak volumes. Thank you for being inspiring champions for women in business. #Graduates #CVCA #venturecapital #womeninbusiness #investorready #womenempowerment #startup #ssfpa #supporttrainer #ESO #IrCTs #entrepreneurs #founder #incubator #MTEI #businesstraining #accelerator #smallbusiness #leader #breakingbarriers

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