Post de French bee

Voir la page d’organisation pour French bee, visuel

33 892  abonnés

Confort, qualité de service à bord et flotte moderne, le tout au juste prix. Découvrez comment French bee réinvente le voyage long-courrier abordable depuis 2016. -- Comfort, qualitative onboard service and modern fleet, all at the right price. Find out how French bee has been reinventing affordable long-haul travel since 2016.

Voir la page d’organisation pour Business Traveler, visuel

1 467  abonnés

Transatlantic travel between the #USA and #France has become notably more convenient due to the presence of various #airlines, including high-end, legacy, and low-cost carriers. Among them, French bee has emerged as a newcomer, aiming to compete in the heavily congested market with low fares, brand-new #Airbus A350 aircraft, and a personalized product range designed to cater to passengers seeking affordability and a pleasant flying experience. #Travel #Transatlantic #FlyingExperience #FrenchBee

How French Bee is Redefining Affordable Long-Haul Travel - Business Traveler USA

How French Bee is Redefining Affordable Long-Haul Travel - Business Traveler USA

Much needed! We recently took a multigenerational journey to visit our French roots as a mother, daughter, French Honor Society Scholar Granddaughter troupe of 3. We canvassed the nation from Paris to Mont St. Micheal and to Nice via awesome train transit. What a lovely time. The airbus was magnificent, comfortable, plenty of inflight options for those who prefer visual options/music. Flying from Newardk to Orli was a breeze. I just wish they offered a little bit more than free water.

Wonderful article that introduces and outlines French Bee and its growing impact on the US airline market. Congrats on French Bee's success so far and we look forward to its continued growth.

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