Post de Andrew Molson

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“Même si Québec et Ottawa trouvent leur compte politique dans ce débat qui dérape, leurs deux discours nourrissent la frustration de la population et à terme nuisent au climat social.” — Philippe Vincent-Foisy dans le Journal de Montréal

Immigration: MM. Miller et Legault sont irresponsables

Immigration: MM. Miller et Legault sont irresponsables

Robert E. Lamoureux, FCA, FCPA, ICD.D

- Director of public companies, regulated financial institutions - Former Chairman and CFO of major Canadian public company - Chairman of life insurer - Partner of PwC - Mentor to young professionals and executives

3 sem.

Globally, Canada is among the leading countries in terms of immigration. The Liberal government believes we need high levels of immigration to ensure our future viability. However, these high immigration levels have caused shortages in housing and in health care services and educational space and staff. Most Canadians believe immigration levels are excessive, with which I agree. Moreover, with all the recent warnings of foreign interference and rising crime (such as auto theft), we need to properly vet all new immigration applicants for connections to foreign governments and criminal backgrounds.

You can not build a home without the foundation and infrastructure necessary. You can not allow unfettered immigration either without the needed infrastructure in place. It's as much about all the foundational things that need to be done before homes and projects get built. Land, sewage, electricity, roads, etc. I am an immigrant and so are my parents, so I support the notion but everyone needs to live somewhere and until the red tape and gatekeepers are removed, this will be a tough pill to swallow. (I won't go into the fact thatt he cap gains may impact new builds as well..) A pill that with forethought and a bit of basic math instead of virtue signalling, would have saved us all a lot of debate.

Jennifer C Crane MPPPA (MA)

Founder Connexion Quebec Public Affairs. Government Relations - Government Monitoring - Strategies and Tactics - Applied Politics - Campaign Ready Coaching Ask how my finely honed government decoding skills can help you!

3 sem.

The debate is certainly getting dangerous. I heard the Conservative leader blaming the Prime Minister, since - as he claimed - immigration is federal jurisdiction. Somebody in his entourage needs to remind him - when visiting Québec and doing media - bone up on local politics. Québec has an arrangement on this particular file that other provinces don't have. Recklessly commenting without basic background knowledge is not politically smart. While both Legault and Miller need to dial it way down, at least they are in possession of the basic facts. Not so the other individual.

As long as CAQ government officials such as Jean Boulet, former minister of immigration for the Quebecois nation, publicly exclaim that 'Immigrants don't work' without any sanctions whatsoever from the nation's premier, Francois Legault, the social climate will continue to rot. Add the anti-immigrant vitriol that is constantly and loudly spewed out by the Quebecois media, and the harm will deepen and endure.

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