William Hay CPA, CA

Paris, Île-de-France, France Coordonnées
13 k abonnés + de 500 relations

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• Highly determined and passionate professional with 20 years of progressive…

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  • Worldwide Resilience & Business Continuity Plan

    - aujourd’hui

    Conceptual summary of preventive and recovery strategies that must be carried out between the occurrence of a disaster and the time when normal operations are restored in a worldwide multi-located company with a multiple core business: industrial, corporate, logistics, regional and retail.

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  • PowerBI Analytics for Findings Risk Management

    - aujourd’hui

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  • Online Vendors On Boarding Validation - Penny Test, Finacial Viability & Social Sentiment Analysis

    - aujourd’hui

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  • Retail risk Analytics and Alerts set on unusual transactions

    - aujourd’hui

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  • Audit APP integrated on what's up and We Chat - live global results and analytics

    - aujourd’hui

    Development of an audit software app integrated that makes easy and instant the field work, guide the users, and reduces by 40% administrative and reporting duties.
    Section to allow super easy-user friendly interface to manage self assessments in retail and allow to the internal control team remote controls.

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  • Instant anonymous feedback link for the internal control team emails and analytics

  • Licensing Fashion Eyewear Contracts Expertise and Lincesing Due Diligence

    - aujourd’hui

  • WorldWide Internal Control, Audit, Business Angels Internal WebSite and Community Private Social Network

    - aujourd’hui

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  • JTB Group - Travel Plaza | Reporting process automation and Revenue Recognition Procedures

    JTB Group - Travel Plaza | Reporting process automation - Revenue Recognition Procedures

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  • McArthurGlen Italy Designer Outlets | Finance Digital Transformation | Reporting Process Re-engeneering & automation | Istant Reporting & automated controls

    - aujourd’hui

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  • SuperControl Suite | Digital process implementation Sulution

    Operazioni di Ripristino Certificate & Controlli Automatici
    Una soluzione semplice ed efficace per risparmiare, ridurre i reclami e mitigare i rischi reputazionali

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  • Generali Investments Europe | Treasury Digital Transformation for Fraud Risk Management

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  • World Food Programme | Internal Audit and Advisory Services 3y

    The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide.WFP is part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded.

    Born in 1961, WFP pursues a vision of the world in which every man, woman and child has access at all times to the food needed for an active and healthy life. We work towards that vision with our sister UN agencies in Rome -- the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development…

    The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide.WFP is part of the United Nations system and is voluntarily funded.

    Born in 1961, WFP pursues a vision of the world in which every man, woman and child has access at all times to the food needed for an active and healthy life. We work towards that vision with our sister UN agencies in Rome -- the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) -- as well as other government, UN and NGO partners.

    On average, WFP reaches more than 80 million people with food assistance in 82 countries each year. 11,367 people work for the organization, most of them in remote areas, directly serving the hungry poor.

    We have been appointed to support the Office of the Inspector General whose mission is to provide assurance to the Executive Director on governance, policy, risk, resources, operations and accountability through independent and objective oversight services; and to facilitate WFP's adoption and implementation of best United Nations and private-sector practices to enable managers to provide assurance on their work to the Executive Director.

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    See project
  • Eni | World Compliance Audit Ex Dlgs 231

    Eni S.p.A. and its Subsidiaries all around the world Compliance Audit Ex Dlgs 231

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  • Rent Control

    Rent control is a web based - mobile friendly digital solution that include an operations risk assessment in hospitality, charter and rental industries. This allows automated and real time remote controls over check-in, refurbishment, check-out operations. The result is less complains, savings, customer satisfaction.

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  • Web based ERP - from operations management to accounting and analytics

    The project scope is to develop a web based application (accessible as well from mobile devices) to register:
    - short term rentals booking information in a DB;
    - treasury entries in a db;
    connected with sub databases, generate reports, archive information/images online, alerts and summaries.

    Useful information
    The scope of the project is currently set and used on advanced MS Excel based working papers that includes the required fields and most of required reports.

    The project scope is to develop a web based application (accessible as well from mobile devices) to register:
    - short term rentals booking information in a DB;
    - treasury entries in a db;
    connected with sub databases, generate reports, archive information/images online, alerts and summaries.

    Useful information
    The scope of the project is currently set and used on advanced MS Excel based working papers that includes the required fields and most of required reports.
    This is an asset and make easy the project management and planning for the candidate. We currently use Booking sync that is a channel manager open to connection. We are in contact with the developers and can evaluate the information integration.

    Examples of sub databases:
    1. Properties database (includes property details)
    2. Property owner/s database (includes owner information)
    3. Housekeeper database
    4. Hosts database
    5. Suppliers database
    6. Treasury accounts database
    7. Extra services database
    8. Media summary
    9. Price list

    Examples of Reports:
    target fields, formulas and forms available on excel
    1. Rental file
    2. Prefilled rental contract
    3. P&L and activity indicators summary by property for Property Owners
    4. P&L and activity indicators summary by property for Management
    5. Calendar for Property Owners
    6. Calendar for Management

    Main features:
    Web application language: english.
    We are a pro Google Apps for Business company and we extensively it.
    Downloadable databases on ms excel, pdf , csv, ms word.
    Uploadable info by excel.
    We priviledge solutions proposed on google apps.
    The in charge shall advise a cloud server and assist in the subscription process.
    Code must be clear and accessible.
    Access must be secured for multiple users with different access righs perimiter to read and or write.

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  • World Food Programme - Internal Auditing External Quartely Review

    Conduct of an external assessment to evaluate the internal audit activity’s conformance with The IIA’s Definition of Internal Auditing, Code of Ethics and Standards. Our approach included the implementation of innovative analytics tools to analyse the activities and identifiy improvement opportunities.

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    See project
  • AVIO S.p.A. - MTA Listing Process - Compliance Ex Dlgs 231, 262 Quality Review and ERM Improvement

    Compliance Ex Dlgs 231, 262 Quality Review and ERM Improvement

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  • Predictive Risk Model for Revenue Recognition - OCTO

    L'obiettivo del progetto è la creazione dei un modello matematico-statistico predittivo basato sull’auto-apprendimento da serie storiche che consenta a OCTO di gestire il Rischio di Revenue Recognition in presenza di ritardi informativi nell’ambito di Fast Closing Reporting.

    Il modello predittivo attraverso l’analisi storica di un set di variabili qualitative e quantitative individua la probabilità di cessazione e di rinnovo dei contratti creando le basi necessari per effettuare gli…

    L'obiettivo del progetto è la creazione dei un modello matematico-statistico predittivo basato sull’auto-apprendimento da serie storiche che consenta a OCTO di gestire il Rischio di Revenue Recognition in presenza di ritardi informativi nell’ambito di Fast Closing Reporting.

    Il modello predittivo attraverso l’analisi storica di un set di variabili qualitative e quantitative individua la probabilità di cessazione e di rinnovo dei contratti creando le basi necessari per effettuare gli opporuni stanziamenti a Fondi Rischi ed Oneri in sede di Fast Closing Reporting.

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  • Officine Innovazione | Deloitte Innovation Programme

    Per rendere concreto l’obiettivo prefissatosi, il network
    di Deloitte in Italia ha lanciato a settembre 2014 Officine
    Innovazione, il programma che vuole mettere l’innovazione
    al centro del proprio network e quindi del più ampio mondo
    delle imprese e della società in genere. Tale programma si pone
    l’obiettivo di generare nuovi business, nuovi servizi, nuovi posti
    di lavoro, nuovi mercati.
    Officine Innovazione rappresenta un passo fondamentale per
    guidare l’evoluzione…

    Per rendere concreto l’obiettivo prefissatosi, il network
    di Deloitte in Italia ha lanciato a settembre 2014 Officine
    Innovazione, il programma che vuole mettere l’innovazione
    al centro del proprio network e quindi del più ampio mondo
    delle imprese e della società in genere. Tale programma si pone
    l’obiettivo di generare nuovi business, nuovi servizi, nuovi posti
    di lavoro, nuovi mercati.
    Officine Innovazione rappresenta un passo fondamentale per
    guidare l’evoluzione della business community. Per raggiungere
    questo obiettivo, tutte le persone del network di Deloitte in
    Italia sono chiamate a liberare le idee più disruptive, anticipando
    le tendenze, immaginando i modelli di business di domani
    e proponendo soluzioni praticabili dal mercato per generare
    eminence e promuovere una nuova cultura dell’innovazione e
    una nuova dimensione di interazione.
    In particolare, il programma individua tre modalità per stimolare
    l’innovazione da parte delle persone di Deloitte:CONTINUOUS INNOVATION
    Le persone del network di Deloitte in Italia possono proporre spontaneamente
    soluzioni innovative su qualsiasi tematica e in qualsiasi momento dell’anno.INNOVATION CHALLENGE DI NETWORK
    Prevede il lancio periodico di sfide competitive aperte a tutti su tematiche
    definite e per un periodo di tempo limitato.INNOVATION CHALLENGE ON DEMAND
    Prevede il lancio periodico di sfide competitive su specifiche tematiche di
    innovazione richieste da determinate unità organizzative o Industry.

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  • Park Hotel Cappuccini - Process Re-Engeneering - Audit

    Park Hotel Cappuccini - Process Re-Engeneering - Audit

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  • Wind Telecomunicazioni - Modello Ex Dlgs 231/2001

    Wind Telecomunicazioni e Weather Investments
    Modello Ex Dlgs 231/2001

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  • Terme di Saturnia - Finance & Operating Process Re-engeneering

    Terme di Saturnia - Finance & Operating Process Re-engeneering.
    The process included the digital integration of SAP with several Management software.

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  • Business Continuity Plan for Global Operations - Manufacturing, Retail, Logistics, Offices


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  • Industrial orders process security App for controls and monitoring


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  • Store Security by Design - Tech and tools settings to secure Store Operations


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    Compétence professionnelle limitée

  • French

    Compétence professionnelle limitée

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