Chairwoman of the board and CEO | IRD

Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France Coordonnées
2 k abonnés + de 500 relations

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À propos

Valérie Verdier has been Chairman of the board and CEO of the Research Institute for Development (IRD) since February 2020. Previously, she was in charge of the research unit on plant-microorganism-environment interactions (IPME), and research director for IRD. She obtained her doctorate in phytopathology in 1988 at the University of Paris Sud. Valérie Verdier is recognized for her international research on bacterial pathogens that cause devastating diseases to cassava and rice, and her fundamental contributions to understanding and approaches to bacteria for their control.
Valérie Verdier's career at IRD began in the 1980s in Central Africa and has since included international positions in Western Africa, Europe and the United States. She was an associate staff member at CIAT Cali Colombia (1995-2001), which has built lasting collaborative networks between plant bacteriologists in Europe, Africa, China and the Americas, and actively trains young pathologists from developing countries to control cassava and rice diseases. Valérie Verdier received the Marie Curie scholarship from the European Commission in 2010 and the international service award from the American Phytopathology Society (APS) in 2014. She is a visiting researcher at the School of Global Environmental Sustainability and an associate professor at Colorado State University, USA. As a scientist, she is also affiliated with ILRI-BecA (Kenya). Throughout her career, she has maintained a solid partnership with national and university centers in developing countries as well as with CGIAR centers (CIAT, IRRI, AfricaRice) or American universities (U. Cornell, UC Davis, Arkansas U., Colorado State University). In 2016, she was decorated as Knight of the Legion of Honor by the French government. She has published over 100 scientific articles related to phytopathology. Most of them were co-written with collaborators in Africa and America. She is member of the board of the CIRAD and received 2020 APS awards in honor of her significant contributions to the science of plant pathology.

Articles de Valérie

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  • IRD


    35 ans 11 mois

    • Graphique IRD

      Chairwoman of the board and CEO


      - aujourd’hui 4 ans 6 mois

      Région de Marseille, France

    • Graphique IRD

      Directrice du département scientifique ECOBIO


      - 4 ans 5 mois

      Région de Montpellier, France

      Département Ecologie Biodiversité et Fonctionnement des Ecosystèmes Continentaux
      13 UMR, 280 chercheurs, ingénieurs et techniciens

    • Graphique IRD

      Directrice d'UMR


      - 5 ans 2 mois

      Région de Montpellier, France

      Unité Mixte de Recherche, Interactions Plantes Microorganismes Environnement, Tutelles CIRAD, U.Montpellier, IRD, 48 permanents, 1 Laboratoire Mixte International (LMI) avec une implantation secondaire au Burkina Faso, 2 Jeunes Equipes Associées (Mali et Cambodge)

    • Graphique IRD

      Directrice de recherche


      - 18 ans 6 mois

      Région de Montpellier, France

    • Graphique IRD

      Chargée de recherche


      - 13 ans 1 mois

  • Graphique Colorado State University

    Colorado State University

    - 5 ans 2 mois

  • Graphique Colorado State University

    Marie Curie Fellow (EU)

    Colorado State University

    - 3 ans 5 mois

    Région de Fort Collins, Colorado, États-Unis

    Développement du Projet RXOMICS financé par la Marie Curie Fellowship (EU)
    One of the challenges of the RXOMICS project is to understand how rice interacts with bacterial pathogens to result in resistance or disease. The main goal is to accelerate the gene discovery for resistance to rice bacterial diseases. We have tackled this challenge from both the plant (rice) and pathogen (X.oryzae) sides by integrating molecular, genomic and genetic approaches performed in our laboratories (Leach and…

    Développement du Projet RXOMICS financé par la Marie Curie Fellowship (EU)
    One of the challenges of the RXOMICS project is to understand how rice interacts with bacterial pathogens to result in resistance or disease. The main goal is to accelerate the gene discovery for resistance to rice bacterial diseases. We have tackled this challenge from both the plant (rice) and pathogen (X.oryzae) sides by integrating molecular, genomic and genetic approaches performed in our laboratories (Leach and Verdier) and field (with our partners in Mali, Burkina-Faso, Colombia and the Philippines). Our goals are to identify sources of broad-spectrum disease resistance effective against at least two bacterial diseases.

  • Graphique CIAT

    Staff affilié


    - 6 ans 5 mois

    Cali, Colombie

    En charge du projet Bactériose et génétique manioc, formation de nombreux étudiants, développement des collaborations avec Universités Los Andes, Université Nacional, Agrosavia

  • IRD


    4 ans

    • Graphique IRD

      Post doctorante


      - 1 an

      Post doctorante au CNRS INRA de Toulouse LIPM

    • Graphique IRD

      Doctorante boursière Ministère de la Recherche


      - 2 ans 10 mois

      République Démocratique du Congo

      Phytopathologiste maladies du manioc, bactériologie


Prix et distinctions

  • Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur

    République Française

  • Prix de la Recherche en Phytopathologie à l'International

    American Phytopathology Society


  • Français

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • Anglais

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • Espagnol

    Bilingue ou langue natale

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