Philippe Corrot

Paris et périphérie Coordonnées
13 k abonnés + de 500 relations

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Co-founder & CEO at Mirakl, the global leader in online e-commerce marketplace platforms.

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  • Mirakl

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  • The Power of Mirakl: People & Passion

    Today, Mirakl is a “Unicorn”… With a $1.5B valuation, more than 300 employees and hundreds of customers all over the world, this latest title is a testament to the days, weeks, months and years of hard work that have gotten us to this point. It’s the commitment to our customers; a recognition of the partnerships; and last but not least, the teams that work hand-in-hand, every day, to revolutionize commerce. But more personally, it’s a humbling moment. As an entrepreneur, it is a moment to take…

    Today, Mirakl is a “Unicorn”… With a $1.5B valuation, more than 300 employees and hundreds of customers all over the world, this latest title is a testament to the days, weeks, months and years of hard work that have gotten us to this point. It’s the commitment to our customers; a recognition of the partnerships; and last but not least, the teams that work hand-in-hand, every day, to revolutionize commerce. But more personally, it’s a humbling moment. As an entrepreneur, it is a moment to take a deep breath and look at what we’ve worked tirelessly to build — and also look ahead at the inspiring potential ahead.

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  • No going back — How fear of Covid-19 democratized technology

    The fear of change can paralyze a person, a company and an entire society. It’s a natural occurrence — as humans, we are wary of what we do not know; we have trouble trusting what is foreign and new. As part of our survival instinct, we hold on to traditional ways of living because it feels safe. Even the greatest of technologies, like the internet and its all-encompassing transformative nature, was slow to change our societies. How many times did you hear that people would never order shoes or…

    The fear of change can paralyze a person, a company and an entire society. It’s a natural occurrence — as humans, we are wary of what we do not know; we have trouble trusting what is foreign and new. As part of our survival instinct, we hold on to traditional ways of living because it feels safe. Even the greatest of technologies, like the internet and its all-encompassing transformative nature, was slow to change our societies. How many times did you hear that people would never order shoes or clothes online? That people needed to touch their fruits and vegetables and see them before buying. How many times did you hear that music could never be sold digitally; that the sale of televisions, cars and homes would never be done online? How many times did you hear, no, that won’t work… Why? Because that’s not the way we’re used to doing things?

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  • A platform to help hospital workers fight the virus safely

    As COVID-19 spread across our towns and cities; as we moved our workforce to remote work and rescheduled our meetings and conferences; we all wanted to know one thing: how could we actually help? How could we be useful in stopping the proliferation of this virus? We, as people, but also we as Mirakl.

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  • The World Economic Forum & The Spirit of Davos

    As I sat on the train from Paris to Zurich, on the way to the World Economic Forum, I understood the reasons for attending.
    As part of the Next40 and a guest of Bruno Le Maire’s delegation, I was on my way to Davos to symbolize the success of French technology companies at an event focusing on innovation and the partnership between government and industry. Our client, Tetra Pak was also present and announcing the launch of their Mirakl-Powered marketplace, a first in the food and beverage…

    As I sat on the train from Paris to Zurich, on the way to the World Economic Forum, I understood the reasons for attending.
    As part of the Next40 and a guest of Bruno Le Maire’s delegation, I was on my way to Davos to symbolize the success of French technology companies at an event focusing on innovation and the partnership between government and industry. Our client, Tetra Pak was also present and announcing the launch of their Mirakl-Powered marketplace, a first in the food and beverage manufacturing industry. As the founder and CEO of Mirakl, I was there to represent my company and my country. But as I had a chance to sit down with heads of industries and governments, Davos taught me about the importance of purpose — both in what Mirakl does and how it does it.

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  • Marketplaces: The Platform Revolution

    The next generation of buyers purchase on platforms. With our customers we create business models that capture all the benefits of digital commerce

    This eBook, covers:
    - Where eCommerce has come from and where it is today
    - The transition from the Pipeline Model to the Platform Model
    - How platforms will fuel growth in B2C and B2B eCommerce

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  • L'avenir du e-commerce

    Les Echos

    Les chiffres publiés par la FEVAD sur l’e-commerce le 20 mai sont édifiants : le volume des ventes réalisées sur les Marketplace progresse de 41% au 1er trimestre 2014. Cela représente 18% du volume d’affaire total des sites ecommerce (13% en 2013). Quelle est la raison de cet écart si important qui se creuse chaque année ? La Marketplace est la meilleure réponse aux attentes des consommateurs.

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  • Ebay n'en a pas fini avec les petites annonces


    Au moment où eBay annonce la fermeture de son service de petites annonces, une question se pose : doit-on considérer eBay comme une Marketplace, tel par exemple, ou plutôt comme un site de petites annonces comme ? Quelles sont réellement les différences entre ces deux activités ?

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  • MarketPlace : l'e-commerce de demain

    A complete white paper to better understand MarketPlaces, their role in the history of e-commerce, why they are the future of e-commerce and how to implement them.

    Other authors
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