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  • IEP Paris

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  • “What energy-mix scenarios for India and China? With what objectives?”

    Conference "Water and energy in Asia, for a sustainable resources management", République 7 Think Tank (promotion of France-Asia relations); Assemblée Nationale, Paris

    India and China, driving among themselves Asian and world growth, experience an exponential rise in their power generation demand (+6-8% per year). To answer it, policy makers consider energy mix scenarios giving a large share to fossil fuels, especially coal.
    Their nuclear power policy is and has been active and assertive for several years now: the share of nuclear power in their 2050-scenarios being respectively of 25% for India and 20% for China.
    However, this ambition, though great…

    India and China, driving among themselves Asian and world growth, experience an exponential rise in their power generation demand (+6-8% per year). To answer it, policy makers consider energy mix scenarios giving a large share to fossil fuels, especially coal.
    Their nuclear power policy is and has been active and assertive for several years now: the share of nuclear power in their 2050-scenarios being respectively of 25% for India and 20% for China.
    However, this ambition, though great, will prove insufficient to adequately answer the challenges they will face: environment, public health, economic stability and geopolitical independence.
    Their long-term scenarios of power generation should, as of today, be attempted and envisaged without the contribution of coal.
    France is well placed, today, to contribute to this goal and should collectively equip itself with the right means to do so.

    Other authors
    • Fellow speakers to the Conference : Didier KECHEMAIR, Consultant, former CEA ingénieur de l’armement;
    • Pierre CLAVEL, GDF Suez - Exec. Vice President Business Development;
    • Olivier ISNARD, IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et Sûreté Nucléaire)
  • “First steps at work: any specificities in being a woman?”

    Roundtable, HEC Alumni Annual Gathering and Students Networking

    2011, 2012, 2013 editions

    In the first steps, in a mostly male workplace, all is well, better maybe: you're helped, supported, excused, even when you're not asking for it. After is when it gets more complicated. Not quite so much more complicated than for everyone else since when your position rises, competition becomes naturally fiercer. It is the means applied to reduce the "threat" you pose that highlight your gender specificity.
    Know them, because they are as unspoken as they are…

    2011, 2012, 2013 editions

    In the first steps, in a mostly male workplace, all is well, better maybe: you're helped, supported, excused, even when you're not asking for it. After is when it gets more complicated. Not quite so much more complicated than for everyone else since when your position rises, competition becomes naturally fiercer. It is the means applied to reduce the "threat" you pose that highlight your gender specificity.
    Know them, because they are as unspoken as they are familiar, and for that so much more pernicious.

  • “Identify and defeat the professional world’s invisible walls”

    Roundtable at the 2011 Careers Forum - HEC Alumni association, at BETC EURO RSCG Headquarters

    Barriers to professional change of career can often be simply boiled down to fear, fear of the person in charge of making a decision on who you are and what you’re capable of. The development of networking is a growing sign of this growing fear. But why do potential employers scare so easy and so much? Because making a hiring mistake is expansive, sometimes on more than on the money side of things. How can we, as a society, alleviate this fear of potential employers and henceforth employee…

    Barriers to professional change of career can often be simply boiled down to fear, fear of the person in charge of making a decision on who you are and what you’re capable of. The development of networking is a growing sign of this growing fear. But why do potential employers scare so easy and so much? Because making a hiring mistake is expansive, sometimes on more than on the money side of things. How can we, as a society, alleviate this fear of potential employers and henceforth employee, which poisons professional relationships? How can we manage so that this fear does not become a fear of the unknown, hence the difference, and lead to companies full of clones?

    Other authors
    • Fellow speakers to the roundtable: Pierre LEBLEU, DRH HSBC France
    • Sophie WIGNIOLLE, DG du Cabinet Eric Salmon & Partners
    • Brigitte DUBREUCQ, Conseil RH
  • « Doing business in India: Promises, pitfalls and opportunities »

    Conference for International Development group - HEC alumni, Cercle FOCH, Paris

    - Les relations franco-indiennes sont similaires à toutes les relations impliquant deux groupes culturels qu'elles soient géographiques, sociales, familiales... et pourtant si américains, allemands et même anglais capitalisent toujours plus sur leurs relations à ce grand marché, les entreprises françaises, elles, semblent à la peine.
    - Il n’est pas possible d’appréhender une culture autre que la sienne en s’appuyant uniquement sur une « théorisation de la différence » (do’s et don’t’s), par…

    - Les relations franco-indiennes sont similaires à toutes les relations impliquant deux groupes culturels qu'elles soient géographiques, sociales, familiales... et pourtant si américains, allemands et même anglais capitalisent toujours plus sur leurs relations à ce grand marché, les entreprises françaises, elles, semblent à la peine.
    - Il n’est pas possible d’appréhender une culture autre que la sienne en s’appuyant uniquement sur une « théorisation de la différence » (do’s et don’t’s), par essence caricaturale. Cela reviendrait à s’imposer un comportement qui ne nous est pas naturel et aller ainsi, en boitant, vers l’échec.
    - Que faire alors ? Fuir les a priori!
    Bon sens, respect de l’autre, compréhension plutôt que jugement, rapport d'égalité et recherche de points d’intérêts convergents clairs.

    Other authors
    • Fellow Speakers to the conference: Ashok KAR, founder Euro-India Center, General Manager Infra Technologies;
    • Ashraf RAVDJEE, Unicef-France administrator, former Danone exec. leading Indian market penetration;
    • Me Delphine GIEUX, business lawyer specialist of Indian law and environment Cabinet UGGC;
    • Antoine VILLENEUVE, former Mumbai General Manager Disney Télévision, General Manager of Lagardère Interactive;
    • Jean-Noël LEFEBVRE, Buisness Development Director for Europe Hindustan Computer Limited Technologies


  • French-American Foundation

    Young Leader 2013

    - aujourd’hui
  • Club 21ème siècle


    - aujourd’hui

    Le Club a vocation à initier des projets pour renforcer l’égalité des chances et le rayonnement de la France en s’appuyant sur la diversité de sa population.

  • Nos Quartiers ont des Talents


    - aujourd’hui

    Mentoring of young professionals, recently graduated from higher education degrees and originating from less privileged peri-urban areas.

  • HEC Women Association


    - aujourd’hui

    Regular contributor to the HEC Women Association Newsletter, published quarterly

  • SFEN - French Society of Nuclear Energy


    - aujourd’hui
  • Engineers without borders - NC State University student organization

    president and founder


    created the first edition since then successfully integrated to the EWB-US organization

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