Question Lost drivers for trusty old Toshiba P50-t-10K (9PSPNVE-00X00CEN)

Jul 7, 2024
Hi everyone, please make some allowances for me as I am very old and new to any forum. I have visited this site as sadly my trusty old Toshiba, details above has sadly lost some drivers which cannot locate anywhere. I have avery basic ability when it comes to delving into the repair of the laptop but have asked friends for any useful advice, they pointed me to the Device Manager which shows 3 items with a yellow triangle exclamation superimposed on them, they refer to Other devices: PCI device, PCI Simple Communication Controller & Other device. I know the Bluetooth & SD card reader are not currently working but they did historically? With help from a techy friend I tried using the original Windows 7 restore discs that were burn't long ago, these should hold the original drivers I believe? Sadly they do not run, I changed the BIOS start for the OOD to boot the discs, my goodness the things an OAP is stumbling to understand late in life! The DVD/OOD drive does work for music etc., so I guess that is performing correctly. My techy friend suggests asking if anyone knows where I can obtain the drivers or at worst to try and find the manufacturer of the parts involved and somehow see if they still keep the driver available to download and restore my missing bits. I have tried rolling back to the first restore point available but nothing has improved so far, the laptop still runs on 10 but with those divers missing. Sorry this is long winded and I would really be indebted if you can keep my laptop alive, its been with me a long time & I do care for it. Thanks Wombat.