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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 3, 2024

I replaced the battery in my iPhone 12 mini, but not at an Apple service center.
And therefore the battery status is no longer displayed. I didn't know that before... :'(

What values should I use to calculate the state of my battery with analysis files?

The iPhone 12mini has a design capacity of 2227 mAh.
But in my analysis files, I have these values:
- Last_value_MaximumFCC: 3250 mAh ( ????)
- Last_value_AppleRawMaxCapacity: 2271 mAh
- Last_value_NominalChargeCapacity: 2270 mAh

I've googled everywhere and some use MaximumFCC (which looks wrong in my files) and others use AppleRowMaxCapacity.
Which one should I use to calculate the actual battery status?

Thanks for your advices.


thumbnail_Capture d’écran . 2024-07-03 à 08.21.18.jpg
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macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
looks like currently 2270 / 2271 = (rounded) 100%

“I assume” that value 2227 represents the original battery design capacity, so 2270 / 2227 = 102%


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 3, 2024
Yes that's correct, that's how I calculated it on my shortcut. :)

But my question is this:
For calculate, should we use Last_value_MaximumFCC as in the "Battery Stats" shortcut?
Or use Last_value_AppleRawMaxCapacity like I did?

My Last_value_MaximumFCC (3250 mAh) looks fake...🤔
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