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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 16, 2020
My iMessage keeps increasing in size, it’s not up to 5 gigs if I look at my iPhone storage yet my top conversations and other files aren’t anywhere near that size. Also it shows as 5 gigs on iPhone storage but when I look at iMessage in iCloud storage it’s half that size. What’s going on here?
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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
You might have messages set to never expire/delete. Also, you have deleted messages and current messages so if those are just there forever then there you go.


macrumors 68000
Nov 27, 2013
I've chosen to keep everything, all the time.

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 19.29.02.png

To wit: if you are limited on storage (space), deletion is the only avenue to satisfaction.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 16, 2020
My top conversations are only 150 mb, photos videos gifs, etc. only total to around another 300 mb so how is it taking up 5 gb of storage?
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macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
What's your TOTAL free storage? If your total free is low (under say, 3%) then Spotlight may have stopped indexing so the individual app sizes become unreliable.

If that's the case, delete some apps - any apps - until you have a minimum of 5% free space. Then let it index for a couple of hours, see what it says.


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2017
I only use iMessage with a few people because other communication platforms are more popular where I live. Unfortunately, I've encountered several issues with iMessage, problems I never had with WhatsApp or Telegram. The most significant issue is related to space:

  1. iMessage occupies a lot of space in iCloud. I don't know why. Look at the following screenshots: in iCloud, it occupies 46.61 GB, but in local storage, it only occupies 4.12 GB. I understand this might be because I store things in iCloud.
  2. When I click on top conversations, it's empty. There is no way I have 46.61 GB of conversations in iMessage!!! The people I talk with have a history of three years, and we exchange family photos, but I always delete the videos. I do want to keep messages forever but it's impossible that text messages occupy GB of data. According to iCloud, there are 4.12 GB in documents and data. I have not shared nearly that much, maybe a few PDFs to my parents, and that's it.
  3. I've tried downloading all messages locally and turning iMessage off and on. I have also tried everything on a brand new iPhone. When I bought it, this is what I downloaded. In contrast, WhatsApp only takes up 7 GB of conversations, and I use it daily with hundreds of people non-stop. I have full control of the space it uses.
Why do I never have space issues with WhatsApp and Telegram, despite a massive exchange of messages, videos, and photos that I never delete, but I do with iMessage? I understand iMessage sends full-resolution media, but I mostly delete everything and keep only a few important family memories. I once received a recommendation to delete all conversations, but I won't do that since some messages are from family members who are no longer with us.


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