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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I just started Eragon- a boy and his dragon. I am surprised how young the author is/was when he wrote it. Am liking it so much I just ordered two more from Amazon.

Prior to this I just finished The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo trilogy. Hard to believe it has been in the top ten books for the last year, but it is good enough for me to recommend.
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macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Currently reading Broke by Glenn Beck

Recently finished the Troy trilogy by David Gemmell.

Reading them on my Kindle 2.


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I just started Eragon- a boy and his dragon. I am surprised how young the author is/was when he wrote it. Am liking it so much I just ordered two more from Amazon.

Ah yes I quite enjoyed Eragon when I read that a few years back.

I used to read a lot of books but now unfortunately I just don't find the time, with Year 12 this year, a part-time job, and Facebook of course. :rolleyes:

However I have just started reading Shakespeare's Hamlet as part of English. Have only finished the first act so far, and can't say it has been interesting nor do I hold high hopes for the rest. I guess we will see how that goes.
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macrumors 603
Prior to this I just finished The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Hard to believe it has been in the top ten books for the last year, but it is good enough for me to recommend.

I want to read that, but the library only has one of the trilogy, and it's not he first.

Thanks for resurrecting a 'what are you reading thread.' It's been done but kind of dies out.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

Reading Fall of Giants. It's pretty good and first in a trilogy. Never read a series before so I'm looking forward to it.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I want to read that, but the library only has one of the trilogy, and it's not he first.

Thanks for resurrecting a 'what are you reading thread.' It's been done but kind of dies out.

I looked for it but a search did not locate so...

Regarding TGWTDT you need to start with the first one. Regarding the mention of Shakespeare above, I enjoyed A Midsumer Night's Dream.

Here is a quick short reading list of mine. I tend to gravitate towards action, fantasy, adventure, but can read many genres. Feel free to post your lists.

1. The Hobbit + Lord of the Rings Trilogy- outstanding if you like fantasy. Start with the Hobbit to test the waters. :)
2. Shibumi + The Eiger Sanction by Trevanian- excellent adventure.
3. Lonesome Dove- Pulitzer Prize winning novel. Possibly the best western you'll ever read. :)
4. Killer Angels- Another Pulitzer Prize winning novel amazing narrative of the Battle of Gettysburg. It reads like a novel. A series of 3 books the last two were written by Shara's son.
5. Dead Until Dark Series by Charlain Harris. True Blood on HBO is based on this series, but this is 20X better. Not Pulitzer prize material, but highly enjoyable vampire reading.
6. The Borne Identity- outstanding thriller, better than the movie imo.
7. Dracula- the original, an outstanding Victorian vampire adventure. Hard to believe how old this book is.
8. The Martian Chronicles- by Ray Bradbury. Science fiction at it's best. A story framework tied together as short stories. Incredible and emotional.
9. For Whom the Bell Tolls- outstanding Hemingway set in the Spanish Civil War.
10. Tess of the d'Urbervilles. Outstanding Thomas Hardy, heavy in irony. Not everyone will dig this.
11. The Three Muskateers and The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexander Dumas. Great adventure reads.
12. The Right Stuff- Outstanding reading on the early 1960's U.S. space program.
13. Salem's Lot and The Shining- yes I love vampires and Stephen King. ;)
14.To Kill a Mockingbird- great Pulitzer prize story set in the early 20th century South.
15. Gone With the Wind- the best Civil War story every told.
16. Skeleton Crew and Night Shift- some of Stephen King's best short stories.
17.Red Storm Rising- The best WWIII story by Tom Clancy. Non stop action and explosions too!
18.Winds of War + War and Remeberance- Herman Wouk outstanding WWII.
19. The Caine Mutiny- outstanding military courtroom drama.
20. Harry Potter Series- it's pretty good and gets darker and better as it goes, but you all have read it all ready. ;)
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macrumors 65816
Sep 26, 2007
Currently working on 4:

-Adam Carolla's new book
-paper Tiger
-Buddhism: plain and simple

I really have to be in the mood to read and that mood only strikes about once ever 3 months or so, I wish it weren't that way.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 15, 2008
Penfield, NY
Under Heaven by Guy Gavriel Kay.

Absolutely stellar book. It's absolutely no surprise that it's been named by at least 5 publications as "best fiction of 2010." It's about an alternate 8th century China, where a young man can suddenly influence the future of an empire. The story is riveting and doesn't let you go. The characters are ALL developed incredibly well. Main characters and minor characters all are fleshed out. An amazing book, I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical fiction..

as an aside, I didn't know until I looked him up that Guy Gavriel Kay was the guy who edited Tolkien's stuff after he died. no wonder he's so amazing. I'm definitely going to pick up some of his other books now, when I get the time.


Jan 2, 2009
The Evildrome Boozerama
I just finished Dangerously Funny, about The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour back in the 60's. This inspired me to re-read Hill & Wyngrad's Saturday Night, which is still the best book about SNL.


macrumors regular
Sep 3, 2007
Currently working on 4:

-Adam Carolla's new book
-paper Tiger
-Buddhism: plain and simple

I really have to be in the mood to read and that mood only strikes about once ever 3 months or so, I wish it weren't that way.

Just finished paper tiger and it was pretty's really interesting to get that kind of perspective into a lifestyle that so few get to enjoy! Hope you enjoy it!


macrumors 604
Apr 1, 2009
15 minutes in the future
'Why Evolution is True' on my Kindle 3.
Don't get it. It sucks. I'm only continuing because I've found a surrogate Biology teacher(see my Discussion of Theism, Atheism... thread to see about that story) and we read these types of books together.
The book is just bad all round. It has bad writing and nearly no information that isn't commonplace(it might be good to give to a creationist friend, I guess).
Richard Dawkins' Evolution books are scores better.

EDIT: If your considering a book like this, try 'Your inner Fish' by Neil Shubin or "The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution' by Richard Dawkins.


macrumors 68000
Dec 2, 2002
Currently reading The Murrow Boys: Pioneers on the Front Lines of Broadcast Journalism by Stanley Cloud and Lynne Olson

A lively colloquial history of broadcast journalism that is so exciting one's impulse is to read it in a single sitting" (Publishers Weekly), The Murrow Boys tells the swashbuckling tale of Edward R. Murrow and his legendary band of CBS radio journalists--Charles Collingwood, Howard K. Smith, William Shirer, Eric Sevareid, and others--who covered World War II from the front.


macrumors 6502
Jan 21, 2007
This week I've been rereading Alan Sillitoe's book of short stories The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.

Today I'm going to start The Ginger Man by J.P. Donleavy.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I'm always looking for outstanding thrillers, adventures, fantasy, science fiction, and mysteries/court room dramas. Suggestions appreciated! :)

Still working on Eragon.
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