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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 15, 2014
I want grownup management capabilities on the cookies. Sort by name, date or size. Be able to select multiple cookies to delete instead of one at a time. Also want to see what is in the cookie. My website has no code for cookies and has no user login capability. Yet I have a 650k cookie for it.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 11, 2023
I want grownup management capabilities on the cookies. Sort by name, date or size. Be able to select multiple cookies to delete instead of one at a time. Also want to see what is in the cookie. My website has no code for cookies and has no user login capability. Yet I have a 650k cookie for it.
Hold on there. First you're going to have to teach Apple how to treat us like adults.. then we can have adult things. Have you not seen the way things have been going in the past 10 years? Apple likes to hold our hands and prevent us from making mistakes. Doesn't exactly scream "adulthood", does it?
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