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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
There's a bug in the "unwatched badge" process. I have a couple of ignored users (I don't ignore many, some some have definitely earned it)... but if they happen to post in one of the threads that I am watching, the forum software shows a badge for that message, but the thread does not appear because the person is being ignored.

It should still show the thread, even without the ignored users' posts. As it now stands, the badge cannot be removed because the thread is not displayed due to the ignored user.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2009
A sea of green
I suspect this only happens when the member who started a watched thread is ignored. That's the only way I can get what you described to happen:
1. I watch a thread.
2. I ignore the member who started a thread.
3. If there are unread messages in the watched thread, then:
A) A red badge appears on my Watched nav-bar item.
B) When I click on Watched, the thread doesn't appear, because its OP is ignored.

To temporarily remedy this, go to your list of watched threads, and click the "Show ignored content" link that's on the right side of the window, below the list of threads. The thread started by the ignored member should appear.

In general, any page that has content you're ignoring will also have a clickable "Show ignored content" link. It might not be obvious, so you may need to search for it until you become accustomed to its location.
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