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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2016
The spacebar on my MBA 2022 M2 is suddenly not working adequately. I hit it with my thumb as usual, and it doesn't leave a space often, sometimes multiple words, even when I'm trying to press it harder than usual.


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2016
Sounds like it may have some dirt or crumbs under it perhaps. You could try a can of compressed air (read the directions, don't shake it, typically) and see if you can blow it out. Or take it to Apple and have them look.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 20, 2012
As suggested above try clean it with compressed air or take the key cap off. It might just need a blast of air or might be the tiny fragile clips have broken. I had this issue once where after a week of usage one of my keys got stuck and it was the plastic clip that had broken off and was stopping it pressing down.

Or take it to Apple. I assume you're out of warranty so good luck. They wouldn't fix mine even though I was still under the 14 days return period. I returned it and bought a new one.
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