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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

iOS 16.3 appears to be impacting the iCloud Backup feature for some people who have upgraded to the new software, based on complaints on the MacRumors forums and the Apple Support communities.


Impacted users have seen automatic iCloud Backup disabled, and attempting to turn on automatic backups results in the following message: "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later." With the error message, the "Back Up This iPhone" toggle under Settings > Apple ID > iCloud remains deactivated.

iPhone owners who are experiencing this problem seem to still be able to manually activate an iCloud backup, but an iOS 16.3 bug appears to be preventing the setting from functioning as expected.

Some users were able to fix the problem by turning on two-factor authentication, leading to speculation that Apple is attempting to force people into using the extra authentication layer, but that does not seem to be the case. Two-factor authentication has not solved the problem for all users, and some people with two-factor authentication initially enabled have also had the same error. From one impacted user on the Apple Support Communities:
Same problem for me - iOS 16.3 on an iPhone and iPad - 2factor is turned on and have tried logging out and in of Apple ID and rebooting.
MacRumors reader GBstoic also complained that iCloud backup was not initially working after installing iOS 16.3, but that two devices were ultimately able to automatically backup even with the backup toggle turned off and no two-factor authentication enabled, suggesting an underlying error.
Two of my iOS 16.3 devices automatically backed up to iCloud when being charged today. This is despite the back up to iCloud option being turned off and me being unable to turn it on. Not sure that 2FA is the problem after all.
Multiple reports have indicated that some devices are continuing to back up even with the error message, but that is not the case for all users, so there could be multiple issues that are impacting iCloud. While most reports are from iPhone owners, this is also a problem that is affecting the iPad as well, and all of the devices that are experiencing issues are running iOS 16.3 and iPadOS 16.3.

Despite speculation that Apple is attempting to force people into using two-factor authentication, there does not appear to be actual evidence that this is the case. The error message is vaguely worded, and if Apple was requiring two-factor authentication for iCloud Backup functionality, there would likely be a much more specific message providing an explanation.

It appears that this is an iOS 16.3 bug that will be addressed in a future update. For now, those impacted can do manual backups to keep their data safe.

Apple is working on an iOS 16.3.1 update that could include a fix for the iCloud issues, but there is no word yet on when that software update might be released.

Article Link: Some iPhone Users Complain of iCloud Backup Issues After Updating to iOS 16.3
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macrumors demi-god
Oct 3, 2014
Sage, Lightning, and Mountains
Then they tell you to try the old “Log out and log back in and rebooting” ploy.

The minimal iCloud backup I use is working for me.
Still, I manually backup at minimum 1x a week To my MBP.

Note: I do not have 2FA turned on.
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Sep 21, 2008
Apple once coveted for their software and attention to detail has fallen.

Still, notifications on my lock screen from wake, have squared off corners for a second before rounding off like they should have been from the start.

Siri is a steaming pile of 💩

HomeKit - OG homepods, you get to repeat yourself twice!

Keyboard click noise bug - you all know this one. Since the beginning of time!


macrumors 65816
May 3, 2016
Then they tell you to try the old “Log out and log back in and rebooting” ploy.
Apple really needs to do something about that and make it easier to clear or reset your device or your Apple ID sign-in without blowing away everything.

They act like it's no big deal, then you've got to spend all afternoon re-entering all your cards into Apple Wallet on your phone and watch, calling banks to verify them, re-ordering them on the Apple Watch display because there's no interface to do it from the iPhone, hope iMessage doesn't get borked like it often does when you sign out/in, and re-set up the fickle Wi-Fi calling "activation" on all your other Apple devices.


macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005
Headlines like this are not informative. There are millions of users with millions of configurations. Most updates will break something for someone. “Some users” is three guys on Twitter or an established pattern impacting everyone with x,y,z configuration. “Some users” are experiencing anything at any moments.


macrumors 6502
Dec 13, 2021
Fortunately, not affecting my super basic iCloud back up on my 13 mini. But I do back up to my computer every couple weeks to my iMac, just to be safe.

I know iCloud is super convenient and all that, but imagine the bank Apple could be making selling Macs if they just instilled the need to have a local backup at home through their clever, borderline brainwashing marketing? 😂


Sep 17, 2019
Probably not related but after moving to M2 Max MB Pro, Time Machine backup to my NAS fails when the screen is locked. Error message says something like TM can’t access some files. This backup worked fine on my 15” MB pro
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macrumors regular
Aug 7, 2019
This is why people are complaining about iCloud and apple are delaying a update again STOP COMPLAINING THEN APPLE WOULD'VE RELEASE SOMETHING LAST WEEK OR TODAY.


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
Apple once coveted for their software and attention to detail has fallen.

Still, notifications on my lock screen from wake, have squared off corners for a second before rounding off like they should have been from the start.

Siri is a steaming pile of 💩

HomeKit - OG homepods, you get to repeat yourself twice!

Keyboard click noise bug - you all know this one. Since the beginning of time!

Okay BooBoo, give us some evidence of your claims. Actual evidence, not blanket statements.
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