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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 23, 2011
Sacramento, CA
I use Screentime to manage my son’s iPads and iPhone. I have the App Store not allowed on his devices unless I have to update or download a new app.

I’m not sure when this problem occurred but until recently, I went to update his apps on his devices and when I allowed for Installed Apps to be on, the App Store shows up for a second and then disappears. It does this for all his devices. This never happened before. I can see the App Store pop up and before I am able to click it, it disappears.

I updated all his devices and are on 17.5.1 and still the same result. The only way for me to actually update any apps now and have the App Store show up is to disable Content & Privacy Restrictions. I can turn it back on afterwards.

But instead of just having “Installing Apps” as allowed it seems like there is a glitch? Anyone else have a fix or experiencing the same thing?


macrumors regular
May 24, 2009
London, UK
I had this a week or so ago. I was trying to fix and got distracted and after a few hours the App Store returned on its own accord.
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