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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2023
Having issues possibly i now have an osx that is mixed up and a combination or home folders and user folders not making sense. I never faced these issues after 20 years on macs.

basically, i have repeating folders in both os x and time machine. and time machine or migration assistant are not letting me do anything without "install os again then migrate". I might do that but am looking at other options first and the time machine backups seem to have related issues. I am kind of stuck but will have to keep working on it.

I did have some really weird login issues 2 days ago where admin user "27" all the sudden could log in on lock screen with no pass. So yeah, I noticed I was able to login via lockscreen without password (something I never allow). When I tried to change my pass it would not accept the old one. I had to boot into recovery > terminal > resetpassword to get new pass. now like expected and how it should be, i have to enter pass at login once agian - yet now have repeating folder issue and somehow osx thinks there are 27 and 27 (2) yet 27 is now nowhere to be found. This could be related. Also, was i hacked? no idea.

Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 1.06.43 PM.png

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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2023
I did just realize it may just be an alias - i did not notice that at first due to the tiny retina rez setting I am on. nonetheless the other issue still outstanding if anyone has seen similar.
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