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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Pixelmator has been updated for Mac to include support for the new HEIF image standard in macOS High Sierra. Once users have updated to Pixelmator 3.7, they'll also be able to make full use of the new Photo app integration available in Apple's latest desktop operating system.


In macOS High Sierra, it's possible to open a photo in a third-party app right from within the Photos Library using the "Edit With..." menu option, after which Pixelmator should appear following the update. Subsequently, any edits made within Pixelmator will be automatically saved back to the Photos library.

Added support for the new HEIF image standard includes the ability to import photos from iPhone 7, iPhone 8, and iPhone X, which save in the more efficient compression format by default. You can find out more about HEIF here.

Other improvements in the 3.7 update to Pixelmator include enhanced support for Photoshop PSD files, an improved Repair Tool, and a return of the ability to drag image assets from Photos and Safari directly into Pixelmator.

Pixelmator is available to buy on the Mac App Store for $30.

Article Link: Pixelmator 3.7 Update Brings HEIF Image Support and Apple Photos Integration


macrumors 6502a
Sep 27, 2007
North Carolina
Wow, where can I get that picture they are working on for my wallpaper!

And side note: I'm really surprised there isn't more P3 high color space backgrounds...

And on topic, I'm really happy the Pixelmator team is still going strong. It is great to have such a nice, Apple-focused, non-subscription based app available.


macrumors 68020
Jul 9, 2008
Pixelmator has kept me from paying Adobe $9.99 a month for the last 3 years. Thanks team! I only need image editing half an hour a month at most and would gladly pay an upgrade to Pixelmator 4 when it comes out to support this team and their hard work.

I own a copy of Lightroom non-subscription and use that every day.


macrumors 604
Oct 13, 2008
One of the greats, they make the new every time the speak. The pro version is soon, perhaps as soon as M


macrumors 65816
Jan 15, 2008
Pixelmator has kept me from paying Adobe $9.99 a month for the last 3 years. Thanks team! I only need image editing half an hour a month at most and would gladly pay an upgrade to Pixelmator 4 when it comes out to support this team and their hard work.

I own a copy of Lightroom non-subscription and use that every day.
Just curious, if you only need image editing half an hour a month, what are you using Lightroom for everyday?


Sep 9, 2012
Pixelmator has kept me from paying Adobe $9.99 a month for the last 3 years. Thanks team! I only need image editing half an hour a month at most and would gladly pay an upgrade to Pixelmator 4 when it comes out to support this team and their hard work.

I own a copy of Lightroom non-subscription and use that every day.

You can buy the upcoming Pixelmator Pro if you feel like supporting them some more. They deserve it!
Just curious, if you only need image editing half an hour a month, what are you using Lightroom for everyday?

Lightroom is primarily a cataloging and library software - very different to Photoshop. Photographers often only need global adjustments, filters and spot healing tools. Photoshop is much more than that.
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2006
Leeds, UK
Oh jeez. Pixelmator pro is coming? I've just recently thrown my hat in with Affinity Photo after decades of Adobe stuff. If pixelmator pro's getting a similar featureset I'm going to be spoilt for choice.

Saying that I doubt Pixelmator's iPad version is as feature complete as Affinity's? One thing I LOVE about Af:p is how its so easy to move a working file between iPad and desktop without compromises.


macrumors 604
Oct 13, 2008
Pricing and a release date for Pixelmator Pro remain unknown, but the company confirms Pixelmator will continue to be maintained after Pixelmator Pro ships.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2010
Not seeing the update in the App Store. Still on 3.6 Oops, sorry. It just came up.


macrumors 68020
Jul 9, 2008
Just curious, if you only need image editing half an hour a month, what are you using Lightroom for everyday?

@simonmet is right. I'm not a professional photographer. Lightroom is the catalogue and where I do white balance, various cropping and straightening and exposure mods to RAW images. I export all of those in full size JPEG to Photos for Mac and Lightroom archive grows and grows but I generally don't go back to those images once processing is done. Viewing / sharing is done via Photos

If I have to make a more serious edit, I'll open Pixelmator but this is a rare occurrence. You can see from my Flickr page, I do almost nothing to my photos. they're all straight out of the camera -
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macrumors 68020
Jul 29, 2012
Dallas, TX
Oh jeez. Pixelmator pro is coming? I've just recently thrown my hat in with Affinity Photo after decades of Adobe stuff. If pixelmator pro's getting a similar featureset I'm going to be spoilt for choice.
The stronger the Pixelmator and Affinity teams get, the less consumers and professionals a-like have to deal with Adobe's BS.

Wonderful news. Pixelmator is a fantastic app.

I have used it to create stuff my for hobbies, clubs, and school projects. For my basic needs, I've definitely gotten my money's worth.
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Good User Name

macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2011
It looks like Pixelmator is converting the HEIC file to a JPG in order to do its editing. Is that the only way that this works?

It's still better than pretty much anything else even if it is.


macrumors 65816
Jan 15, 2008
Lightroom is primarily a cataloging and library software - very different to Photoshop. Photographers often only need global adjustments, filters and spot healing tools. Photoshop is much more than that.
I totally understand that, professional photographer myself. That was my guess, I just wanted a bit of clarity.
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