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Apr 12, 2001

One of Apple's first party apps that's getting a makeover in iOS 10 and macOS Sierra is Photos, bringing intensive new facial recognition and "Siri intelligence" features to the picture accumulating app. Over the weekend, a Reddit user discovered a few lines of code within the framework of Apple's beta of the macOS Sierra Photos app, possibly detailing both the specific facial expressions that the app recognizes and every single searchable object users can find in both Sierra and iOS 10.

In a more detailed Medium post, Redditor vista980622 explained that Photos will be able to "recognize and distinguish" 7 total facial expressions after the app scans a user's library and forms a "faceprint" for each individual in a picture. The expressions include greedy, disgust, neutral, scream, smiling, surprise, and suspicious.


One of the biggest new additions to Photos in iOS 10 and Sierra is "Memories," a new tab that aggregates a user's pictures into logical, organized folders based on the app's new facial and object recognition abilities. vista980622 discovered every category of Memories as well, whose names are said to be "automatically generated using metadata from the photos and tags from analysis of photos."

The category names are as follows:
Memories from areas of interest, Best of past memories, Memories that break out of routine, Celebration in history, Contextual memories, Crowd, Day in history, Holiday in history, Location of interest, Nearby, New contextual memories, New memories, Person's Birthdays, Person's memories, Recent events (calendar, crowd, holiday, people, person, social, trip, weekend), Region of interest, Social group memories, Sometime memories, Special memories, Favourited, Trips, Week in history, Weekend, Year summary, Last week, Last Weekend
Users who have been testing the first beta of iOS 10 last week mentioned the impressive search parameters of Photos, which intelligently detects and tags every picture for the scenes, objects, and landmarks captured within. In totality, there are 432 of these items that can be searched for by the user, including everyday phrases like "Apartment" and "Birthday Cake," and somewhat obscure inquiries like "Diadem" and "Gastropod."
Additionally, you can search for various landmarks. For example, Photos can respond for search query of "Maho" (beach in Saint Martin), despite Photos is not programmed or trained to understand specific landmarks. Behind the scenes, Photos app first generates a generic categorization for the scene, "beach", then searches through a built-in dictionary for all landmarks that has the name "beach" in its definition. Therefore, cleverly, despite Photos app knows nothing about "Maho" in particular, it is still able to return the right results. The same applies to nature scenes, water scenes and urban scenes.
The full list of 432 searchable objects and scenes can be found in the Medium post shared on Reddit. As discovered within the first beta of iOS 10 and macOS Sierra, the comprehensive list is far from confirmed as accurate. All the same, many of its terms do match up with another Redditor's successfully executed searches, as well as the words they claimed failed to generate any concrete results.

Previous Coverage: See iOS 10's New Photos App in Action

Update: The list of searchable scenes and objects appears to account for around 4,432 items, as opposed to the 432 mentioned in this article and the original Medium post. It's unclear whether vista980622 made a typo in the blog post, or if groups of scenes and items -- like Art, Artistic Creation, Artistic Creations, Artistries, Artistry, Arts, Artwork, Artworks -- were grouped together to result in a smaller number.

Update 2: The author of the Medium post has acknowledged that the originally quoted 432 scenes and objects was a typo and the correct number should indeed be 4,432.

Article Link: New Photos App Detects 4,432 Total Searchable Objects and 7 Facial Expressions [Updated]


macrumors G5
Oct 14, 2005
iPhoto had face recognition back in 2009... You can't just remove features and add them back whilst labelling it as innovation.
This is the only reference of face recognition I see on the page for macOS Sierra. All they're saying is that it's better. What's wrong with that?

Rediscover memories in beautiful new ways.
You’ve spent years capturing moments worth remembering. Now Photos can turn them into unforgettable experiences called Memories. And powerful new technologies make Photos even better at face recognition, let you display all your photos on a world map, and even allow you to search your photos by the objects and scenery in them.


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
Apple first introduced their 64-bit processor in 2013. I wonder if they had implemented this with these features in mind. That would have been really forward-thinking of them.

Possibly not with this exact feature in mind, though they would have known that moving to 64-bit would give them greater scope down the line for software development and innovation.


macrumors 603
Sep 23, 2008
face recognition or facial recognition? Wondering whether we're talking about identifying where a face is in general vs identifying who a face belongs to.

iPhoto had the latter. There was really nothing new about what Photos offered in that area when it was released.
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macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
7 total facial expressions after the app scans a user's library and forms a "faceprint" for each individual in a picture. The expressions include greedy, disgust, neutral, scream, smiling, surprise, and suspicious.

It hasn't been confirmed yet, but they are believed to be distant cousins of Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy and Sneezy. Software engineers at Cupertino are also rumoured to be working on adding magic mirrors to the list of objects that the Photos App can detect so users can sort faces into a list by the 'fairest of them all' category, but have strongly denied there is any such thing as a 'poisoned apple' to recognise, despite some early reports images of such an item had involuntarily put some users' computers to sleep.


macrumors regular
Sep 23, 2008
iPhoto had face recognition back in 2009... You can't just remove features and add them back whilst labelling it as innovation.

As someone pointed out, this isn't the feature where it learns who your brother is and automatically tags all pictures that have him in it, I mean that's there too. This is that you can type in "my brother screaming" and it'll find pictures of him screaming. A fair bit more advanced.

Apple first introduced their 64-bit processor in 2013. I wonder if they had implemented this with these features in mind. That would have been really forward-thinking of them.

I must have missed it, does this software require 64-bit processor?

This is a disgusting invasion of my privacy, I can't even take a picture with out Google spying on me...oh wait it's Apple...never mind it's magical and a brilliant innovation.

You get it! Lol, although Google has had these features in Photos, Google's machine learning is in the cloud so you have to upload your pictures. Apple's is in Photos Application on your computer so there is more privacy. Not sure what happens when the picture gets uploaded to iCloud though. Maybe there's a database file on your computer that can match the pics uploaded to the learning it has already done.


macrumors 65816
Feb 19, 2006

One of Apple's first party apps that's getting a makeover in iOS 10 and macOS Sierra is Photos, bringing intensive new facial recognition and "Siri intelligence" features to the picture accumulating app.

Will these features require iCloud Photo Library?


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
This could turn out to be very useful.

I wish Photos would also allow me to tag my photos and write descriptions right on my phone after I take a picture and have it save to a sidecar xmp file. Is that in the cards?

J InTech82

macrumors 6502
Aug 10, 2013
This is a disgusting invasion of my privacy, I can't even take a picture with out Google spying on me...oh wait it's Apple...never mind it's magical and a brilliant innovation.

The difference here is with Google it will see that you were on vacation last year and you will then get an advert saying "it's been a year since you've been to Yosemite, book these amazing deals right now!" where as Apple will do nothing.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
"Hey Siri, show me videos of people lying." should be an interesting query someday.
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