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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Netflix this week brought its more affordable ad-supported plan to the Apple TV, which means subscribers who have the cheaper plan can now watch content through their set-top boxes from Apple.


When Netflix launched its ad-supported plan back in November, it did not work on the Apple TV. Netflix at the time said that support for the plan would be "coming soon," with access to Netflix on the Apple TV limited to the more expensive Basic, Standard, and Premium plans.

As noted by TechCrunch, a Reddit user noticed that the Basic with Ads plan was available on the latest version of the Netflix app on the Apple TV, and Netflix confirmed that the ad-supported tier is now on tvOS.

The Netflix Basic with Ads plan is priced at $6.99 per month, $3 cheaper than the Basic $9.99 per month plan with no ads. The ads range in length from 15 to 30 seconds, and there are four to five minutes of ads per hour.

Article Link: Netflix's Cheaper Ad-Supported Plan Now Available on Apple TV


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2016
Too little too late. I already tried to downgrade to the ad-supported plan and was very surprised to find out that it didn't work on my AppleTV. I didn't see that clearly indicated anywhere, and considering that I was an active AppleTV/Netflix viewer then that information would have been readily available to them.

So we cancelled my Netflix service and I went onto other streaming providers.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Sorry Netflix, too late for me too. Not enough compelling content for me to stay with you. I’ve moved onto better streaming services and haven’t looked back. You were great in your prime! Not so much anymore.
How is Netflix still not in their prime? Not only is it the most popular streaming service amoung teens and young adults (which happens to be the most sought after demographic) but it's also the most popular streaming service in the world


and U.S. consumers would rather go hungry than cancel their Netflix subscription

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macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2021
Cancelled Netflix. I paid for a plan that allowed for two simultaneous streams, so my grandma could watch. With their recent “crackdown”, they stopped that from being possible since we don’t live in the same house.

I pay for TWO SIMULTANEOUS STREAMS. What is it to them that my grandma uses it in a different location. Netflix showed themselves to be complete b*stards with this quest of theirs. Gladly cancelled and just introduced her to the other streaming services I subscribe to. They won’t be missed.

EDIT: To those who are actually downvoting this (haha), I say “downvote all you want to defend a desperate and arbitrary policy, but the basic truth is this: Netflix lost my business, and they’ll lose more business because of their cynical greed.” Downvoting won’t get them that money back. Don’t sell plans that allow for two simultaneous streams and then say my CLOSE family member can’t use the second stream. BYE!
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macrumors newbie
Nov 22, 2018
I canceled my Netflix service when they stopped allowing me to share it with my daughter who's in college. It was only her and I on the plan but in Canada, they have eliminated all password sharing. I never watched it and so we canceled and got Crave (similar to Hulu + HBO) instead. Unless there's a major must-see show or movie - they won't be getting my money, and I don't think I'll ever go to a "set it and forget it" subscription with Netflix again.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2017
How is Netflix still not in their prime? It's the most popular streaming service in the world

View attachment 2181413

and U.S. consumers would rather go hungry than cancel their Netflix subscription

I'm sure Kinopoisk has nothing but legit legal content.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Cancelled Netflix. I paid for a plan that allowed for two simultaneous streams, so my grandma could watch. With their recent ��crackdown”, they stopped that from being possible since we don’t live in the same house.

I pay for TWO SIMULTANEOUS STREAMS. What is it to them that my grandma uses it in a different location. Netflix showed themselves to be complete b*stards with this quest of theirs. Gladly cancelled and just introduced her to the other streaming services I subscribe to. They won’t be missed.
I agree with you that their subscription tiers and crackdown on password sharing is dumb when they encouraged it before. Some here though will disagree with you (and me) and might even call your grandmother a thief

I'll probably cancel too if I get notified. I'm thinking Netflix will annouce crackdown during their next earnings report in late April and start cracking down in the U.S. beginning in May.


macrumors 68000
May 19, 2017
I cancelled Netflix many, many years ago when it became clear they were just shoveling junk into their platform. The days of premiere, halo properties like House of Cards are way behind us now.

That said, I know I'm a total outlier in terms of having cancelled Netflix. Their subscriber numbers are doing great. Even their most recent subscriber drop was entirely due to having pulled out of Russia. When I cancelled, I stopped thinking about them (hence my mention of House of Cards, which has been over for many years) and I don't need them to fail or anything.

Also, a lot of the commentary about cancelling due to a crackdown on password sharing feels petty and silly. Netflix hasn't done anything wrong here. They feel that if you use the service in a separate residence, you should pay for it, and that's a defensible position.


macrumors 65816
Jan 5, 2007
Brisbane, Australia
I can't wait for people to lose their minds over a service they can simply choose to ignore.
Well yes. A cup of coffee saving for a significant downgrade in utility.
personally, if it was only ever Netflix trying this on, I couldn’t care less. But it will be surely adopted across the streaming market as MBA weenies seek to increase returns, when amalgamation is what in fact should happen.
When cable started there were no ads. Now cable charges you and has ads. if this Netflix plan works in any fashion, all streaming services and all tiers will end up the same.


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2015
Brooklyn NY
How is Netflix still not in their prime? Not only is it the most popular streaming service amoung teens and young adults (which happens to be the most sought after demographic) but it's also the most popular streaming service in the world

View attachment 2181413

and U.S. consumers would rather go hungry than cancel their Netflix subscription

Easy, GREED. The poor CEO is only making 20 million a year. I mean, how can he live?


macrumors 65816
Apr 20, 2016
This seems ridiculous for me. You pay for a service and still have to watch ads. Your time and distractions from product you bought are worth more than 3$.
But I know I just fall into their trap because that’s why you add the cheapest, middle and top product (that’s also why they hidden cheapest ad-free tier) :)


macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
This seems ridiculous for me. You pay for a service and still have to watch ads. Your time and distractions from product you bought are worth more than 3$.
But I know I just fall into their trap because that’s why you add the cheapest, middle and top product (that’s also why they hidden cheapest ad-free tier) :)
Yet here in the states, the regular OTA broadcast subscribers (cable/satellite) always watch content with ads. So they are used to ads. I think most here online know streaming can certainly be without ads, but we aren’t the target of this Netflix subscription category. It’s also great for the penny pinchers.
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