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macrumors member
Original poster
May 2, 2010
In my MBP I recently noticed that all fonts got thin and because of that they are somehow uncomfortable to read. It happened only to my account, when I create a new one, everything is ok. It affects all fonts. Here's the example - new account vs my account (image is zoomed in to show the problem on pixel level).
I tried to tweak CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled and AppleFontSmoothing from terminal but they seem to not affect anything (even after system restart). I even used TinkerTool and tried to disable font smoothing there, but it also doesn't change anything.

What is the culprit? I do not want to migrate my whole account to new one - this must be fixable somehow. Does anyone know what to do?


macrumors member
Original poster
May 2, 2010
Okay, I've used this tool: and it helped. Font smoothing was disabled and I re-enabled it. Strange that I couldn't (and I still can't) control that from the terminal. Whatever I change in terminal it just doesn't make any difference.
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