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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 3, 2021
My question is in relation to keyboard attachments (either folio type or cantilever). Since these attachments have all or most keys similar to the Mac, is there any chance on the horizon where we could enjoy keyboard shortcuts á la macOS, such as command+option+shift+delete to empty the trash in Apple Mail on the iPad?

Reverend Benny

macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2017
Send it in as a suggestion to Apple. Guessing now but if many are requesting a specific feature it might be prioritized when they are trying to figure out what small nifty features to add in every update.


macrumors 65816
Jun 22, 2012
My question is in relation to keyboard attachments (either folio type or cantilever). Since these attachments have all or most keys similar to the Mac, is there any chance on the horizon where we could enjoy keyboard shortcuts á la macOS, such as command+option+shift+delete to empty the trash in Apple Mail on the iPad?
There isn’t a trash can in iPadOS.
Command-Tab works, and Command-ZXCV work, and several others.
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