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Apr 12, 2001

Apple is testing a device with a 9-inch foldable display, but the company's long-rumored foldable iPhone is unlikely to launch until 2025 or later, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.


On Twitter, Kuo said that Apple is "actively testing" a device with a 9-inch foldable OLED display and a PPI somewhere between the iPhone and the iPad. This device is purportedly being used to evaluate and verify the key technologies involved in Apple's foldable, and may not feature the specifications of any final retail product.

Kuo believes that Apple's foldable product development is initially focusing on medium-sized devices, followed by devices with larger displays, before finally expanding to small devices like the iPhone.

Kuo also revised his prediction from last year that claimed that Apple will launch its foldable iPhone as soon as 2024, explaining that it is now clear that this prediction needs to be revised to 2025 at the earliest. He added that Apple's first foldable device may be a hybrid iPhone and iPad, or simply a foldable iPad.

Kuo's comments come in response to a report from the The Elec, which claimed that Apple is collaborating with LG to develop a foldable OLED display panel with ultra-thin cover glass for future Apple tablets and notebooks. In February, display analyst Ross Young ignited rumors about Apple working on large foldable devices, explaining that the company is exploring all-screen foldable notebooks with displays around 20-inches in size.

Article Link: Kuo: Apple Testing 9-Inch Foldable Device, but Foldable iPhone Unlikely Until 2025 or Later
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macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2010
I mean.. are we really waiting for this?

A phone with a projector/hologram seems nicer as you can watch movies on walls ect.
What is the added value of foldable screens?
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macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
Just think: that would be iPad-sized screen that can fold into a size that fits in a pocket. Big screen for bigger-screen benefits and pocketable for hands-free mobility benefits... in ONE device!!!
That's pretty much the opposite of what people were saying when Samsung mooted/tried the idea. I think it's great, AS LONG AS, they manage to get the glass to be resilient enough.

If Apple release one, there are going to be an awful lot of people that don't own cars doing U turns.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2008
I always remember when people screamed no one needed an iPad before it was released. “Who wants a giant iPhone?” Now look how many are sold. I’ll wait until it’s actually released if ever to pass judgment on whether I need it or not


macrumors 68020
Jul 20, 2012
foldable ipad makes more sense than a foldable phone. still, i am not buying any foldable device unless they significantly improve durability. so far all these folding devices have soft plastic screens which will be ruined as soon as your nail or a tiny bit of dust touches it. no thanks...


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
This would be a good time to rethink their product strategy… do away with iPad mini, morph MacOS and iPadOS into one OS that can scale from 10” tablets to multi-monitor desktop setups. No more why won’t my iPad allow me to do this or that and why can’t my Mac have a touch screen and stylus from frustrated users.


macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2009
But people on here told me that Apple would never copy Samsung
Who says they are? Perhaps Apple is testing a foldable device made two screens and a precision hinge (the only robust solution - bad things happen when you flex circuits).
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2022
I think foldables have a chance, the fold variations seem to be improving quite well for the majority (my good friend has had no issues with his besides finding a case he likes for it.) I think the main thing to determine the success for an iphone variant would be the features specific to the added with having more screen now. I think with how big the iPad market is, anyone who felt the occasional need to have a bigger screen have already picked an iPad up. It may very well boil down to who would rather deal with 2 devices or one device that sits thicker in your pocket (that was the biggest thing my friend had to overcome when he first got the fold 3)
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2019
Silicon Valley
Foldable phones are little more than a gimmick, like 3D tvs. Remember 3D tvs? They were being massively hyped - and nobody bought. How many 3D tvs do you see on the market now?

Not even Android folk are really all that excited about foldables. If they were, you'd see them everywhere.

Maybe instead of making foldable devices, Apple can focus on releasing iOS versions that don't require a zillion patches and updates to deliver the functionality promised at launch?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 5, 2010
I always remember when people screamed no one needed an iPad before it was released. “Who wants a giant iPhone?” Now look how many are sold. I’ll wait until it’s actually released if ever to pass judgment on whether I need it or not
I just re-watched the Ashton Kutcher "Jobs" film, and it was amusing watching young Steve making calls trying to sell the first personal computer to companies before it existed, and almost everyone rejected it because they didn't think it would be useful. The vast don't know what they want until they see it in action.

Apple isn't going to make a foldable device unless they have a solid vision for it. An if this rumor is any indication, they do.

Mr. Dee

macrumors 603
Dec 4, 2003
I believe Apple is the one feeding Kuo with these rumors off record. They know if they can get the word out they working on this too, it will upset the competition and make users pause buying decisions until they see what Apple has to offer.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
Central Texas
I could see them using foldable screens for laptops and for putting a screen on the edge of a device. That screen can be protected better but then you have the problem of what problem does it solve? A screen that can wrap around so that you can have a screen on both sides while only having one connection is also nifty but at what cost and for what benefit? Foldable screens do not seem the way Apple is heading. It tries to have things no other manufacturer can mimic for years. And the sooner they come out with glasses the faster they will be able to add parts to your computer that only exist as augmented reality addons. The better that technology gets the less actual hardware you would need.


macrumors G3
May 31, 2007
Florida, USA
Yay, a big obvious mechanical failure point. No thanks.

I like being able to pull out my phone and just use it, without having to unfold anything. I'm not sure what the benefit would be; it's one more thing to wear out, debris could get inside and crack the screen when you fold it, etc.

Apple spent the last decade getting rid of mechanical parts that wear out; why would they bring that back?


macrumors 65816
Aug 26, 2012
But people on here told me that Apple would never copy Samsung
Jobs was on about such a device at one stage. I think it was before he died. Pretty sure they’ve been testing this out for a decade waiting for the tech to mature and if it does will release something and if it doesn’t wont. But sure turn into an a vs b.
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