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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple is planning to release a 20-inch MacBook with a foldable screen in around three years, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.


"Apple's only foldable product with a clear development schedule is the 20.3-inch MacBook, expected to enter mass production in 2027," said Kuo, in a post on X today. He did not provide any additional details about the device.

Kuo is the third source to mention the possibility of a 20-inch MacBook, alongside display industry analyst Ross Young and Korean website The Elec.

The largest laptop that Apple currently sells is the 16-inch MacBook Pro. The company also once offered a 17-inch MacBook Pro, which was discontinued in 2012. The new foldable MacBook would have a screen that measures around 20 inches diagonally when fully expanded, but Kuo did not provide any details about the device's exact design.

Kuo said the 20-inch MacBook is Apple's only foldable product with a clear development schedule, suggesting that a foldable iPhone or iPad are not coming any time soon.

Article Link: Kuo: Apple Planning 20-Inch MacBook With Foldable Screen


macrumors member
May 31, 2016
1. That's actually potentially a really good use of a foldable screen
2. It is going to bomb hard. I don't think Apple has a single device in the price range this would undoubtedly hit that hasn't been all but discontinued (e.g. never updated) inside of a year or two. We're still glancing over at the Mac Pro 'n Vision Pro, one of them might be the first.


macrumors member
May 31, 2016
"Good enough for most people"
I honestly don't understand why they think it's a good idea to look like an underpowered piece of garbage compared to the $500-700 table at Walmart. Like, 8GB to start was questionable in 2020. It's been 4 ****ing years. RAM isn't expensive, I honestly don't care if it's on the package.

Wait no I'm dumb, I know exactly why; 'cause people are buying it. If that stopped, maybe they'd figure out why.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
Likely equivalent to the Touch Bar, where the current MacBook pro's screen extends down to the base area and adding a few more inches of touch screen area. This is probably the first of touch-screen Macs, as a redesigned MacBook Pro.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
I honestly don't understand why they think it's a good idea to look like an underpowered piece of garbage compared to the $500-700 table at Walmart. Like, 8GB to start was questionable in 2020. It's been 4 ****ing years. RAM isn't expensive, I honestly don't care if it's on the package.

Wait no I'm dumb, I know exactly why; 'cause people are buying it. If that stopped, maybe they'd figure out why.

Really tells ya how much juicy profit there is in those overpriced component upgrade prices they charge

Whole situation has become ridiculous -- a borderline running joke at this point

(typed from my 9 year MBP that shipped with 16GB RAM)


macrumors 68000
Jun 11, 2021
Foldable technology sucks and Samsung proves it.

1. Durability will be bad. Really bad.
2. The battery will be limited. You gotta put two separate batteries on both sides which will cause more weight and yet less performance.
3. Folding is not yet perfect and it makes a gap where OLED is being folded.

It sounds like a large iPad Pro with macOS. I have a bad feeling about this especially since a Touch Bar failed.


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
When the 17" PowerBook and then the 20" lampshade iMac came out in 2003, we made jokes about a 20" PowerBook.

Now here we are... or not yet actually... A 20" MacBook Pro in 2027? I'm not convinced, but it would be interesting. It should be noted that Apple has a lot of designs that never make it to market, the most obvious one being the cellular MacBook Pro that actually made it into the wild (but not to market).

Coincidentally just yesterday I happened to see a dual-screen Windows laptop at Tim Hortons. From afar I thought it was a fold-out screen as it was twice the height of a normal screen which I thought was hinged in the middle, but turned out it was just a third party screen clamped onto the top of the laptop screen, and I believe connected via USB.

Anyhow, back when I used to travel for business, I would take BOTH my 12" MacBook and my 10.5" iPad Pro, and then use the iPad Pro as a second screen with Sidecar for Excel, PowerPoint, and Keynote. But that's because my screen was only 12". 12" was actually fine for lighter business usage, but for heavier business usage, the added iPad Pro screen was helpful. That might still be a great solution for some people going forward, so I wonder how tiny a portion of the market such a 20" behemoth would be aimed at.

Foldable technology sucks and Samsung proves it.

1. Durability will be bad. Really bad.
2. The battery will be limited. You gotta put two separate batteries on both sides which will cause more weight and yet less performance.
3. Folding is not yet perfect and it makes a gap where OLED is being folded.

It sounds like a large iPad Pro with macOS. I have a bad feeling about this especially since a Touch Bar failed.
It depends if it's a true foldable screen or just two screens with a hinge.
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