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macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 24, 2012
Spain, Europe
Yeah, I’ve finally made the jump from iPadOS 16.6.1 to 17.5.1 and the first impressions are really good! The system feels as snappy as on iPadOS 16.6.1, but with smoother animations.

So far, I only encountered one glitch with the clock widget, and it was during the first boot so I hope not to see many more bugs going forward.

So yeah, first impressions are good, the iPad is still a bit warm after being all night plugged to power, connected to WiFi and indexing all the data from iCloud synced apps.

But if I encounter any problem that I didn’t have so far with iPadOS 16.6.1, I’ll let you know. But honestly, I expect the system to be polished enough at this time of the year.

I’ll leave you with a video that I want to follow to start using more the different focus modes, which until now I haven’t paid much attention during previous releases.

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