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Apr 12, 2001

Apple's iOS 17 upgrade brings notable new communication features, adding functionality to the Phone app and the FaceTime app. The Phone app lets you customize what people see when you call them, while FaceTime gains video messages and the option to take FaceTime calls on the Apple TV.


This guide highlights everything new with the Phone and FaceTime apps in iOS 17.


Contact Posters

Apple started letting you choose the name and photo that you want to share with others in the Messages app, and now sharing extends to the Phone app. You can create a Contact Poster that other people see when they call you.


Contact Posters are created in the Contacts app by tapping on your own name, selecting the Contact Photo & Poster option, and tapping on the Edit button.

You can choose to share a photo, a Memoji, or just your initials, and this is what people will see when you call them. To go along with the photo, you can also customize font size, style, and color. Note that you cannot change your name from this interface - that needs to be done by changing your contact info.


There are several filters that can be applied to images, including black and white, duotone, and color wash in the color of your choice. You can edit the crop of the photo, and customize your Contact Poster independently of your shared Messages image.

Contact Posters can be shared with your contacts automatically, or you can be prompted to share with anyone who calls you so no one sees your custom imagery without your permission.

Contacts App

To account for Contact Posters, the design of the Contacts app has been tweaked. When you tap on a contact, you'll now see that their contact image, Memoji, or initials take up a much larger portion of the screen. This also counts for contacts where you've assigned an image.


You'll have an option to tap on the Contact Photo and Poster option underneath the person's name to choose to update to the latest info automatically when your contact changes something like their profile photo, or turn on manual updates so you're prompted for the update.

Live Voicemail

Live Voicemail is a new feature that allows the iPhone to transcribe a voicemail as it's being left, so you can pick up the phone if it turns out to be something important.


The voicemail is displayed right on your Lock Screen as the person on the other end speaks, which can help you avoid missed calls if it turns out an unknown number is a call from your doctor or another important person.

Live Voicemail can be somewhat confusing to people who are not familiar with the feature. Apple's default Live Voicemail wording tells people that "the person you're calling may pick up," which has led to instances where people have called iOS 17 users and waited for several minutes for the person with Live Voicemail to answer. It's essentially not clear that it's a standard voicemail sequence.

This can be avoided with a custom greeting recorded by opening up the Phone app, tapping on Voicemail, and then tapping on Greeting to make a new recording.

Live Voicemail can also be turned off in the Settings app by going to Phone > Live Voicemail and toggling it off.

Updated Call Log

A small but useful update to the call log lets you know if a missed call resulted in a voicemail. If so, you can tap that voicemail from the Recents interface.


Dual-SIM Upgrades

Those who use the Dual-SIM feature now have an option to create different ringtones for each SIM, and choose a SIM when calling back an unknown number. There's also an option to sort incoming messages based on SIM.


Audio and Video Messages

When you FaceTime someone and they aren't able to answer, you can leave a video or audio message depending on the call method you used. If you were using FaceTime video, you can leave a video message, and if you were using FaceTime audio, you can leave an audio message.


After the missed call, you'll see a "Record Video" option, which will allow you to create a message. You'll see a preview of your video, and the option to re-... Click here to read rest of article

Article Link: iOS 17: What's New With Phone and FaceTime
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macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
Apple needs to make Live Voicemail intuitive enough that you can explain it to your parents.

How is it not intuitive? Or are you referring to the default outgoing message causing confusion?

"You can read what the caller is saying as they are speaking it. ... like listening to your answering machine as the caller is leaving their message."


macrumors 68000
May 29, 2018
How is it not intuitive? Or are you referring to the default outgoing message causing confusion?

"You can read what the caller is saying as they are speaking it. ... like listening to your answering machine as the caller is leaving their message."
" Apple's default Live Voicemail wording tells people that "the person you're calling may pick up," which has led to instances where people have called iOS 17 users and waited for several minutes for the person with Live Voicemail to answer. It's essentially not clear that it's a standard voicemail sequence."

I'm sure this is fixable but it could cause some embarrassment. Also, "the person you're calling may pick up," may not be appreciated. :)


Sep 25, 2018
I hope we can turn off Contact Posters.

I want the ability to choose what I see pop up on my phone when someone calls, not the person calling me.

Imagine assigning a bad pic of your ex to her contact and then she calls and its a ****ing glam shot. No thanks
100% this. I missed that cause I glanced over it as it's one of those "features" that doesn't interest me


macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2021
So if you make a phone call, Apple gets involved with transferring the photo? That is concerning. A phone call should only involve my carrier and not any Apple servers.

And why should I show my face to strangers just because I call them? As that probably only works with iPhones, the photo gives the other person the information that you own an iPhone. That's none of his business.


macrumors regular
May 13, 2015
Face Time on Apple TV: I've used this new feature, which is actually pretty nice. However, the other persons image does not fill the entire TV screen as seen in all the promos. Anyone know if the other person also needs to be on a Face Time call using their Apple TV in order for images to be full screen?


macrumors 603
Aug 14, 2009
So if you make a phone call, Apple gets involved with transferring the photo? That is concerning. A phone call should only involve my carrier and not any Apple servers.

And why should I show my face to strangers just because I call them? As that probably only works with iPhones, the photo gives the other person the information that you own an iPhone. That's none of his business.
Can’t you just not answer a FaceTime call if you don’t want your face seen?

Or just turn off the camera?

Or if you call use audio?
Apple needs to change the button layout on FaceTime so that when you end a FaceTime call you don’t press a button on the top of the screen and see the finger of the person canceling the call.

Sometimes you may want them to see the finger you use.
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