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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

With iOS 17, Apple introduced new features for the Maps app. The changes in the Maps app aren't as notable as some of the additions we've seen with prior software updates, but there is at least one long-awaited function.


This guide rounds up everything that's been changed or added in the iOS 17 Maps app.

Offline Maps

Maps can be downloaded so that you can use them offline in iOS 17, which is useful when there is no cellular or WiFi connection. You can save a specific area of a map to your device, allowing it to be accessed while offline.


Saving retains all information like business hours and ratings, plus it allows for turn-by-turn directions, so the Maps app basically works like it does when it has a connection, with the exception of real-time traffic information.

You can search for any location in the Maps app or set a pin and then choose the "Download" option to get an offline map. Tapping on the download button brings up a drag and drop interface where you can select how much of the map you want to download.


Apple allows for downloads of full cities and surrounding areas, so you can, for example, download a map of Los Angeles that includes the area all the way up to Bakersfield and down to San Diego. Apple lists the size of each downloaded map, with size depending on the area you've selected and what's in that area. A small selection may only be 200MB, but a larger area that has a lot of roads and businesses could be 3GB or more.

Limited Service Warnings

If you look up directions for a route that goes through an area that often has no cellular signal, the Maps app will recommend that you download the map for offline usage.


As of right now, this feature is available for National Parks located in the United States.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Apple Maps now displays real-time charging station availability along Maps routes for electric vehicle owners. Users can choose a preferred charging station to see only those compatible with their vehicle.

Interface Update

When you're getting turn-by-turn directions, the Maps app shows tappable icons for driving, walking, transit, and other options rather than a dropdown menu. The arrival time and avoidance preferences options are still in the same dropdown menu as they were in iOS 16.



In the turn-by-turn directions interface, you can tap on the ^ button to see a new Voice Volume option that allows you to adjust the volume of the spoken directions. Options include Softer, Normal, and Louder.


The new volume option joins Add Stop, Share ETA, and Report an Incident.

Read More

More information on all of the new features in the iOS 17 update can be found in our iOS 17 roundup.

Article Link: iOS 17 Maps Features
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macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2023
You have to admit. Apple Maps have come a long way. The details are astonishing! Just mind-blown. :eek:

That is actually pretty old feature. I have seen the 3D map of my city for years. But again I live in big city so Apple might finally extend that to more areas. Edit: you have to check the details of Sydney Opera House. You can even explore inside the building. Apple did a good job mapping the whole building, and other landmarks too.

I am excited with offline maps for travelling overseas where I rely mostly on hotel wifi. It's reassuring not to get lost while exploring an unknown city.


macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2008
Offline maps are a great addition and I got to try them out on a road trip last week, worked great.

The one weird thing is, apparently watchOS 10 has a new topographic map mode, but from what I can tell it’s only on watchOS. Why isn’t that on the iPhone too? That would be a great feature to have across all platforms.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2015

With iOS 17, Apple is introducing new features for the Maps app. The changes in the Maps app aren't as notable as some of the additions we've seen with prior software updates, but there is at least one long-awaited function.


This guide rounds up everything that's been changed or added in the iOS 17 Maps app.

Offline Maps

Maps can be downloaded so that you can use them offline in iOS 17, which is useful when there is no cellular or WiFi connection. You can save a specific area of a map to your device, allowing it to be accessed while offline.


Saving retains all information like business hours and ratings, plus it allows for turn-by-turn directions, so the Maps app basically works like it does when it has a connection, with the exception of real-time traffic information.

You can search for any location in the Maps app or set a pin and then choose the "Download" option to get an offline map. Tapping on the download button brings up a drag and drop interface where you can select how much of the map you want to download.


Apple allows for downloads of full cities and surrounding areas, so you can, for example, download a map of Los Angeles that includes the area all the way up to Bakersfield and down to San Diego. Apple lists the size of each downloaded map, with size depending on the area you've selected and what's in that area. A small selection may only be 200MB, but a larger area that has a lot of roads and businesses could be 3GB or more.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Apple Maps now displays real-time charging station availability along Maps routes for electric vehicle owners. Users can choose a preferred charging station to see only those compatible with their vehicle.

Interface Update

When you're getting turn-by-turn directions, the Maps app shows tappable icons for driving, walking, transit, and other options rather than a dropdown menu. The arrival time and avoidance preferences options are still in the same dropdown menu as they were in iOS 16.



In the turn-by-turn directions interface, you can tap on the ^ button to see a new Voice Volume option that allows you to adjust the volume of the spoken directions. Options include Softer, Normal, and Louder.


The new volume option joins Add Stop, Share ETA, and Report an Incident.

Read More

More information on all of the new features in the iOS 17 update can be found in our iOS 17 roundup.

Article Link: Everything New in Maps in iOS 17
I was in Cuba last winter and the cellular (for my carrier anyway) was non-existent. Before the trip I installed app MAPS.ME (free version) and downloaded/saved a map of the entire country and it was a lifesaver. It showed pretty nice major buildings, street names, some restos, etc. There was iffy wifi at hotel that was ok for email and photos, etc. Great that Apple Maps is getting that now.


macrumors G5
Although I despise Google and would be happy to dump Google Maps and start using Apple Maps, I cannot do so yet because I've found Google Maps to still be more comprehensive and reliable than Apple Maps. If anyone can prove me wrong, I'd be happy.
This (#17) for me. Accuracy trumps "prettier" in my opinion. I like to get where I'm trying to go. When I occasionally re-try AM, it is quite a bit "prettier" but can still let me down in terms of getting me to the target location. GM can do that too but seemingly far less frequently. When I really need to get to the right place, I just go with the one most likely to get it right.

I continue to wish that someone would write a mapping app that lets you punch in the address and it plots where Apple thinks it is, Google, Waze, etc. If they all mark the same spot, we will probably get to the right spot. If a cluster says one place and a sole outlier says somewhere else, user could choose either (but would probably go with the cluster).

OR, I wish Apple would write an internal algorithm that does the same trick to update their own data instead of continuing to have issues. If the corp ego is such that their outlier expectation is internally believed to be correct vs. the cluster location, alert the user to the discrepancy and let the user decide if they want to try Apple's X (marks the spot) or the clusters. Also solicit the user to confirm which one is right when they get there (to crowdsource clean up wrong guesses.) Doing this, it shouldn't take long for Apple's data to be as good as anyone elses.

But what do I know.

I'd certainly love Apple's "pretty" with Google's accuracy.
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macrumors demi-god
Jul 3, 2010
Love offline maps, but not sure how to turn that off? At my home cell is horrible until I get 1 mile away, but... I can be out on the wide open freeway with full 5G and still shows "offline"
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