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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple is working on enhancing the Photos app in both iOS 10 and OS X 10.12, reports Japanese site Mac Otakara. The apps will reportedly be updated with new features to put them on par with the now-discontinued iPhoto 9.6.1 for Mac and iPhoto 2.0.1 for iOS.

It is not clear exactly what features will be added to the apps, but Mac Otakara says iPhoto 2.0.1 included tools for editing EXIF information and touch-based brushes for adjusting brightness and other parameters on only specific parts of a photo. Similar editing tools could be added to the iOS version of Photos.

On OS X, the Photos app will see improvements, but Mac Otakara says Aperture-level functions will not be added to the app.

We don't have much information about OS X 10.12 and iOS 10 as of yet, but a recent rumor has suggested Siri integration will be a headline feature in OS X 10.12. Siri on the Mac has been a long-desired feature and the personal assistant will likely be able to do things like adjust system settings, answer quick queries, and open apps.

OS X 10.12 and iOS 10 will likely be coming in the fall months, but we can expect to see a preview of the software at WWDC 2016, which is typically held in June.

Article Link: iOS 10 and OS X 10.12 to Feature Improvements to Photos App


macrumors 68040
Jan 5, 2012
Interesting. The biggest thing keeping me out of using iCloud Photo Library is the mess it seems to make of your photos.

Having taken photos on holiday, I like to put the ones I want to keep into an album and delete the rest (clearing my camera roll). When I turned iCloud Photo Library on, my camera roll disappeared and "All Photos" showed me everything - stuff that was in an album, stuff that wasn't. My latest photos from WhatsApp, my latest camera roll photos riiiighhtt the way back to the oldest photo in the oldest album in Photos.

If there was a "unfiled Photos" album. Or a "Camera Roll" album that existed in the cloud (but that I could edit & delete from any iCloud device) that would solve the problem, I'd pay for more iCloud storage and be a very happy camper.


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
for the love of god just let me lock the photo app with TouchID. the most obvious thing since ... ever.

yes, we can "hide" pictures in a "hidden" folder. may as well label it LOOK IN HERE

#1 - Lock your phone?
#2 - I'm sure third party apps exist that allow you to do this.

I'm pretty sure you're in a minority of people who think this feature should be added.
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PowerMac G4 MDD

macrumors 68000
Jul 13, 2014
Don't complain too much or they'll make them like Yosemite's animations...

The only issue I had with Yosemite, only in terms of its animations, was that the rubber band effect (when you'd scroll down to the bottom or up to the top of a page) would lag when it would play. Other than that, Apple's animations had been perfectly efficient until El Cap. In El Cap, I noticed speed improvements all throughout, but then I noticed that general animations were using much more horse power and actually lagging on older machines or machines with weak graphics cards (like modern MacBook Airs or Mac Minis).
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 30, 2010
Now all that have to do is put a decent RPM hard disk in them and maybe they'll have a useful platform.


macrumors regular
Apr 6, 2006
Brooklyn, NY
I still can't over how Photos ditched iPhoto Events. I know they're in there somewhere, but finding them ain't intuitive. And I miss badly the ability to group and label batches of imported photos. It seems like the obvious thing people would want to do with their photos. (Am I missing some easy way to do this in Photo?)

PowerMac G4 MDD

macrumors 68000
Jul 13, 2014
I also want Apple to bring back colored icons in finder; considering how fruity things became with Yosemite, you'd think they would add back colored icons. It's way too uniform, and it makes it harder to quickly identify things by their look. Now I have to focus more on the label or icon itself. I know they got rid of that well before Yosemite, but it's still annoying me. Lastly, the fact that color labels are dots is the most retarded thing I've seen. The whole point of highlighting all of the text is so that the folder I highlight stands out. I couldn't care less about the meanings associated with the labels. It's also kinda stupid how you can put more than one dot on a file. What's that supposed to do? I use these labels for VISUAL purposes, not anything extra.


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
How about improvements to the Finder? You know, like proper cut/paste commands and folders on top?

Cut/paste works fine?

Regarding folders on top: no. Absolutely not. The notion that folders and files should be handled seperately is completely retarded. I've been wishing Windows would knock it off for the last twenty years.

Just so you know, .app, .pages, .key, .numbers, and many other "file types" in OS X are actually folders (called "bundles"). You can right click and open them if you'd like to browse their contents.
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