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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

OpenAI's ChatGPT conversational chatbot is taking the tech industry by storm, and now you can ask it things right on your wrist, thanks to a new app for Apple Watch called Petey.


If you haven't been keeping up, ChatGPT is a next-generation language model that understands and generates human-like response to natural language input. The chatbot is trained on a large corpus of text corralled from the internet, so it can answer a wide variety of questions and generate coherent responses to many different types of prompts.

What the Petey app does is that it allows you to query OpenAI's chatbot by either typing questions into your Apple Watch or using voice-to-text input. What's more, it's a conversational experience, so you can continue to interact with the chatbot in the context of the queries you've already put to it.

Petey comes with a watch face complication that makes it very easy to access without having to navigate your apps to open it. That makes it a handy alternative to asking questions of Siri, which nine times out of ten returns a series of web results that get sent to your iPhone anyway.


If you have a query but all you have to hand is your watch, Petey can provide an answer to your question, and the responses are often far more impressive than any digital assistant is capable of. You can even have the answers read out loud with Text to Speech, and you can share the outcome of your interaction via text, email, or social media.

Previously called watchGPT (the name was dropped because of trademark issues) and developed by Hidde van de Ploeg, Petey is currently priced at $4.99 and is available on the App Store. The app requires watchOS 9, so it should work on Apple Watch Series 4 and newer models, and it currently supports 14 different languages, with more set to be added over time.

(Looking to access ChatGPT from your Mac's menu bar? There's an app for that, too.)

Article Link: How to Get ChatGPT on Your Apple Watch
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macrumors 65816
Jan 12, 2023
I just can't imagine the need or desire for this. We know chatGPT is biased to only provide what our overlords want us to know. Are people really that lazy that they cannot look up info themselves and can therefore judge its reliability and value?
Yeesh. My overlords better be giving me the knowledge on how to make a jelly filled donut at home, or else I'm ditching chatGPT...


macrumors member
Oct 28, 2021
Why would anyone want ChatGPT on an Apple Watch? This seems like this would give me a massive headache. 😭😭
This was exactly my thought lol, I do not see the appeal for having it on my watch and I'm not someone who is against ChatGPT overall. I find it to be an incredibly useful tool, but just cannot see why I would want to use it on the go on my watch. Now if Siri had similar "smarts" to a LLM like ChatGPT now we're talking! Would love to be able to ask Siri to do things in a truly conversational manner and have her just 'get it'.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 25, 2022
I just can't imagine the need or desire for this. We know chatGPT is biased to only provide what our overlords want us to know. Are people really that lazy that they cannot look up info themselves and can therefore judge its reliability and value?
I wholeheartedly agree! Why, when I was a young man and I needed answers, I'd spend hours Googling to find something usable. A "quick" Google search for how to fix a problem on my iPhone would requiring scouring obscure (and often shady) tech articles, watching overly long YouTube videos, and reading through rambling, barely-coherent forum posts just to get a halfway-decent answer.

These darn kids today are so soft, relying on these newfangled ChatGPT gizmos to get simple, coherent, straightforward answers in seconds instead of wasting countless hours of their lives Googling their way to vaguely usable information like the good lord and Sergey Brin intended. Now tell them to get off my lawn! 👴


macrumors regular
Jun 28, 2012
This was exactly my thought lol, I do not see the appeal for having it on my watch and I'm not someone who is against ChatGPT overall. I find it to be an incredibly useful tool, but just cannot see why I would want to use it on the go on my watch. Now if Siri had similar "smarts" to a LLM like ChatGPT now we're talking! Would love to be able to ask Siri to do things in a truly conversational manner and have her just 'get it'.
You can send the response to yourself. So if if you have an important thought / task to do while around, you can get a ChatGPT answer and send it to yourself for later use (I rarely carry my phone these days; only when I drive - to use AppleCar).


macrumors newbie
Jun 22, 2009

OpenAI's ChatGPT conversational chatbot is taking the tech industry by storm, and now you can ask it things right on your wrist, thanks to a new app for Apple Watch called Petey.


If you haven't been keeping up, ChatGPT is a next-generation language model that understands and generates human-like response to natural language input. The chatbot is trained on a large corpus of text corralled from the internet, so it can answer a wide variety of questions and generate coherent responses to many different types of prompts.

What the Petey app does is that it allows you to query OpenAI's chatbot by either typing questions into your Apple Watch or using voice-to-text input. What's more, it's a conversational experience, so you can continue to interact with the chatbot in the context of the queries you've already put to it.

Petey comes with a watch face complication that makes it very easy to access without having to navigate your apps to open it. That makes it a handy alternative to asking questions of Siri, which nine times out of ten returns a series of web results that get sent to your iPhone anyway.


If you have a query but all you have to hand is your watch, Petey can provide an answer to your question, and the responses are often far more impressive than any digital assistant is capable of. You can even have the answers read out loud with Text to Speech, and you can share the outcome of your interaction via text, email, or social media.

Previously called watchGPT (the name was dropped because of trademark issues) and developed by Hidde van de Ploeg, Petey is currently priced at $4.99 and is available on the App Store. The app requires watchOS 9, so it should work on Apple Watch Series 4 and newer models, and it currently supports 14 different languages, with more set to be added over time.

(Looking to access ChatGPT from your Mac's menu bar? There's an app for that, too.)

Article Link: How to Get ChatGPT on Your Apple Watch
No and no.


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macrumors demi-god
Sep 12, 2014
Why would anyone want ChatGPT on an Apple Watch? This seems like this would give me a massive headache. 😭😭
For the few times I need something on watch would rather use the default Siri that hears automatically what I say. I read the reviews on this app it sounds like something like this may happen but not for near future. Plus another $5 for something I would seldom use other than a cute app at moment. I would prefer to sit down on iphone/ipad/macbook and type out a specific search to do or look something up. will pass for now.


macrumors 68000
Jul 23, 2002
I just can't imagine the need or desire for this. We know chatGPT is biased to only provide what our overlords want us to know. Are people really that lazy that they cannot look up info themselves and can therefore judge its reliability and value?
Don't you need to know how to build a treehouse using your Apple watch?
I"ve been waiting so long for this!
  • Haha
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Aug 19, 2002
Mid-West USA
I've been using Petey for a couple of days now, and it's a pretty good user experience.

Good to have the ability to fall back on it in a pinch.
Wanha, how do we know you're not AI? :p:D Seriously, I just saw an article that said AI scored very high on the bar exam.



macrumors newbie
Jul 27, 2021

OpenAI's ChatGPT conversational chatbot is taking the tech industry by storm, and now you can ask it things right on your wrist, thanks to a new app for Apple Watch called Petey.


If you haven't been keeping up, ChatGPT is a next-generation language model that understands and generates human-like response to natural language input. The chatbot is trained on a large corpus of text corralled from the internet, so it can answer a wide variety of questions and generate coherent responses to many different types of prompts.

What the Petey app does is that it allows you to query OpenAI's chatbot by either typing questions into your Apple Watch or using voice-to-text input. What's more, it's a conversational experience, so you can continue to interact with the chatbot in the context of the queries you've already put to it.

Petey comes with a watch face complication that makes it very easy to access without having to navigate your apps to open it. That makes it a handy alternative to asking questions of Siri, which nine times out of ten returns a series of web results that get sent to your iPhone anyway.


If you have a query but all you have to hand is your watch, Petey can provide an answer to your question, and the responses are often far more impressive than any digital assistant is capable of. You can even have the answers read out loud with Text to Speech, and you can share the outcome of your interaction via text, email, or social media.

Previously called watchGPT (the name was dropped because of trademark issues) and developed by Hidde van de Ploeg, Petey is currently priced at $4.99 and is available on the App Store. The app requires watchOS 9, so it should work on Apple Watch Series 4 and newer models, and it currently supports 14 different languages, with more set to be added over time.

(Looking to access ChatGPT from your Mac's menu bar? There's an app for that, too.)

Article Link: How to Get ChatGPT on Your Apple Watch
The fact that a recent report exposed that the chatbot was programmed to view things in an unbelievably biased viewpoint and presents everything from that slant is very circumspect, and to be honest, very dangerous.

This article is coming from the New York Times and not some right wing source.
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