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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot offers a new generation of conversational AI functionality that promises to fundamentally change the technological landscape and the way people work. Here's how to access it directly from your Mac's menu bar.


ChatGPT is a next-generation language model that's designed to understand and generate human-like response to natural language input. Using a form of AI called deep learning, ChatGPT generates text that's similar to what a human might say.

ChatGPT is trained on a large corpus of text corralled from the internet, which allows it to answer a wide variety of questions and generate coherent responses to many different types of prompts.

That's why Microsoft has added its Bing GPT chatbot to the Taskbar with the latest Windows 11 update, and why Google plans to integrate its Bard experimental conversational AI service to Google Search.

Sadly, Apple doesn't have a chatbot service similar to ChatGPT, and there's no indication that the company will launch one soon, so macOS integration is likely some ways off. However, thanks to one developer, it is possible to interact with ChatGPT right from your Mac's menu bar.


Developed by Jordi Bruin, MacGPT is a free download that reproduces all of the options found on the ChatGPT website and makes them accessible inside a tidy little Mac app. From within the MacGPT interface you can start new conversations with the chatbot and resume old ones.

In the app's settings, there's an option to make the MacGPT window always on top, so it floats over other windows. You can also record a keyboard shortcut that launches the chat window.


The app even adds a convenient brain icon to your Mac's menu bar, so you can have another app in fullscreen mode and still be able to access ChatGPT, ensuring the rich information resource remains just a click away, whatever you're doing.


MacGPT and the ChatGPT website aren't the only ways to access conversational AI chatbots on your Apple devices. Microsoft recently rolled out new Bing, Skype, and Edge apps for the iPhone and the iPad, all of which feature the chat-based AI-powered search capabilities. However, as of writing, these apps are available only in a preview capacity for those who are on the Bing preview experience, and there is a waitlist.

Article Link: How to Access ChatGPT From Your Mac's Menu Bar
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macrumors 68030
Sep 21, 2009
I must be the odd one who has no real interest in AI chat bots, document writers, etc. I’m even learning NLP right now after doing some CNN last year but these things just aren‘t all that appealing to me. That said, I wouldn’t mind if some aspects of this were integrated into Siri so it would have a better idea of meaning and context and be able to do more potentially.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Sadly, Apple doesn't have a chatbot service similar to ChatGPT, and there's no indication that the company will launch one soon, so macOS integration is likely some ways off. However, thanks to one developer, it is possible to interact with ChatGPT right from your Mac's menu bar.

Developed by Jordi Bruin, MacGPT is a free download that reproduces all of the options found on the ChatGPT website and makes them accessible inside a tidy little Mac app

Is MacGPT rated for ages 17+? 😁


macrumors 6502
Apr 2, 2021
I must be the odd one who has no real interest in AI chat bots, document writers, etc. I’m even learning NLP right now after doing some CNN last year but these things just aren‘t all that appealing to me. That said, I wouldn’t mind if some aspects of this were integrated into Siri so it would have a better idea of meaning and context and be able to do more potentially.
Ok, so you do have real interest...


macrumors 6502a
Jul 11, 2008
Lots of negativity in here. I find ChatGPT to be pretty cool and unlike the internet-based AI attempts last decade it seems people haven’t managed to immediately turn it into a racist fascist.

It’s a hell of a lot better at answering complicated questions than Siri is.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 23, 2011
Cylde Hill, WA
Lots of negativity in here. I find ChatGPT to be pretty cool and unlike the internet-based AI attempts last decade it seems people haven’t managed to immediately turn it into a racist fascist.

It’s a hell of a lot better at answering complicated questions than Siri is.

Actually it can, has, and will. It's told people to kill themselves and also used the n word using clues from slang.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 13, 2013
Lots of negativity in here. I find ChatGPT to be pretty cool and unlike the internet-based AI attempts last decade it seems people haven’t managed to immediately turn it into a racist fascist.

It’s a hell of a lot better at answering complicated questions than Siri is.
There is however no guarantee the answer is correct or makes sense.


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2018
Why would you want to do this? It's like asking an erudite five year old that wants to please you. Half the time it just makes up the answers.

This is why I'm baffled people think it can replace search engines. When I google something, I don't want just any answer. I look for answers from authoritative sources. If I'm looking up symptoms of an illness, for example, I value John Hopkins more than some dude's blog.
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