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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

In his Power On newsletter today, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reiterated that Apple is planning to hold a virtual event on Tuesday, March 8 to introduce new iPhone SE and iPad Air models, which are both expected to feature an A15 chip and 5G support.

Gurman said Apple also plans to launch at least one new Mac this spring, but it's unclear if that Mac would be introduced at Apple's event. This new Mac could be a high-end Mac mini powered by the M1 Pro and M1 Max chips, as an Apple silicon replacement for the 27-inch iMac is not expected to launch until as late as August or September.

Apple has at least four new Macs powered by M2 chips in its pipeline, including refreshed models of the MacBook Air, entry-level 13-inch MacBook Pro, 24-inch iMac, and entry-level Mac mini, according to Gurman. It's likely these Macs will launch later in the year after Apple finishes releasing its final Macs with M1 Pro and M1 Max chips.

Gurman believes Apple will remove the Touch Bar from the new entry-level MacBook Pro, and he expects the notebook will lack a ProMotion display.

Article Link: Gurman: Apple Event on March 8, At Least Four M2 Macs to Launch Later This Year
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macrumors 68020
Jul 18, 2002
An event just for spec updates? Me thinks not. Maybe the new air or 13" MBP update as well?
You're right. It can't be just for spec updates. That would be laughable. Yet it's too early for the new Air or updated 13/14" MacBook Pro. Me thinks it's probably the larger iMac. Possibly the Mac Pro. The iMac Pro or Mac Pro could come at WWDC, as well. Every Mac that's announced following WWDC will likely have the M2 chip. My 2¢...


Sep 19, 2013
You're right. It can't be just for spec updates. That would be laughable. Yet it's too early for the new Air or updated 13/14" MacBook Pro. Me thinks it's probably the larger iMac. Possibly the Mac Pro. The iMac Pro or Mac Pro could come at WWDC, as well. Every Mac that's announced following WWDC will likely have the M2 chip. My 2¢...
Makes sense to me.

Mac Fly (film)

macrumors 68020
Feb 12, 2006
Entry level MBP should not exist. Pro should mean Pro. The only entry level Mac portables should be MBA and MBA should get SD Card and MagSafe. Mac portables vs Pro Mac portables should be differentiated by double the number of USB-C ports, support for additional external monitors, computer thickness, much greater power + fans (to justify fans), high refresh displays and larger speakers, purely because you can fit a larger speaker in a bigger chassis. MBA should take an obvious performance hit over all Pro machines, so MBA are fast and MBP are exceedingly fast. Port variety should not take a hit, but USB-C port count should. This makes MBA a great machine with extra portability and MBP a truly amazing machine at higher prices and with some additional expandability and heft—for certain kinds of professionals who need all the power and expandability a Pro portable Mac deserves.
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macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2011
An event just for spec updates? Me thinks not. Gotta have at least some mention of a mac....Right?

Now that, thanks to pandemics, an "Event" can just mean "Releasing a promo video" rather than choosing a data that avoids other events, booking a venue, sending out invitations weeks in advance etc. it might make sense to have smaller, more frequent events.

Frankly, though, these rumours are getting more and more a case of "Pope still not converting to Buddhism" and "Bears still relieving themselves in the woods". iMac and high-end Mini to be replaced sometime this year? You don't say! M2 Macs coming in a year or so? Well I'll be!

The only slightly interesting suggestion is that the 13" MBP might be getting an M2 update - my money would have been on it being dropped once the M2 Air comes out.


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2010
You're right. It can't be just for spec updates. That would be laughable. Yet it's too early for the new Air or updated 13/14" MacBook Pro. Me thinks it's probably the larger iMac. Possibly the Mac Pro. The iMac Pro or Mac Pro could come at WWDC, as well. Every Mac that's announced following WWDC will likely have the M2 chip. My 2¢...
I hope you're right... Apple's been dragging out the drama for this Imac Pro (or whatever it's called)... If it does come out, there better be a silver or space grey option... I have NO Interest in buying an orange computer with white bezels. ?????
I love how Gurman can squeeze articles and newsletters out of the same rumors over and over again. Tells you something about how thirsty we are for Apple rumors.
He definitely gets our hopes up high but sadly he doesn’t really have any new information. It all started when he started to work on his weekly newsletter. I think he was more credible before the newsletter existed. Now it seems like he just says the same thing over and over but changes the wording/summary.


macrumors 6502
Dec 13, 2021
I had been holding out hope for the M2 Air to upgrade myself, but ultimately shrugged and went with the M1 Pro MBP. Either way, it'll last me at least five to seven years. I still hope the new Air models come in colors, because heck I might be tempted to drop cash on one for that reason alone, but it's nice to know I don't really need to.
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macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2017
Over here
I expect a new Mac Mini with the M1 Pro/Max simply to allow them to drop the remaining intel Mac Mini. The only reason they are still selling it is to accommodate those that need more than 16GB Ram. Don't expect any design change as some think there will be, not at this stage anyway.
I have a sneaking suspicion the Mac Pro will stay intel for a few more years.
No way, LOL. This is the year Apple will complete its transition for Apple silicon chip.

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