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Apr 12, 2001

Apple's rumored foldable iPad is now in "intensive development" and could be announced as soon as late 2024, according to DigiTimes.


In a paywalled report that cites supply chain sources, DigiTimes outlines how Apple is now working with suppliers on foldable iPad development, ahead of small-scale production scheduled for the end of 2024. The Taiwanese publication believes that this indicates Apple could announce the device in late 2024 or early 2025 if progress remains steady.

Apple has apparently been working on foldable products for four years and continuously made design changes in this time, planning to release a foldable iPad before working on a foldable iPhone. Apple chose to focus on the iPad because it makes up a comparatively small proportion of the company's sales, meaning that potential issues are easier to manage and less impactful.

The company has reportedly not yet finalized the design of the foldable iPad. Initially, Apple's product design team led the project but this role is now said to have shifted to the procurement department to bring down costs. Apple's main objective at this stage is to achieve a more cost-effective design, motivating contentious changes to the device.

A main issue is said to be the device's panel and hinges, with Apple being particularly concerned about the display creasing. The company is purportedly looking to Samsung and LG to provide a display that mitigates the creasing effect using mechanical design solutions. Apple is seemingly able to obtain sufficient supply of the device's hinge, but is still seeking a design that is more cost-effective and easy to mass produce, which could require further simplification and reduction in the number of parts.

Mass production of Apple's first foldable is expected to commence in 2025. DigiTimes believes the foldable could boost iPad shipments, sparking an uptick in otherwise shrinking global tablet sales.

Article Link: Foldable iPad Now in 'Intensive Development,' Could Be Announced as Soon as Next Year
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macrumors G5
A foldable phone I think I want. A foldable iPad I’m curious about but also kinda don’t see the point. Apple will have to convince me.
Put a VoIP app on a foldable iPad Mini cellular and you pretty much have your foldable iPhone. A pocketable mini that can double as a phone too! Put Apple's own Voip app on this foldable mini and it is a foldable iPhone.

I already use Mini 6 as my phone (too) with buds for calls. It works great as a phone and costs so much less (hardware & cell service). But it is permanently unfolded in its current form. Maybe this fully delivers the pocket-ability benefit?
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Sep 12, 2023
A small iPad that turns into a bigger iPad? Can it still fit in your pocket? I highly doubt it. Not for me personally but I do love my foldable phones. A phone that turns into a mini tablet makes more sense to me, which is why I've been buying them for the past three years.


macrumors 68040
Jul 3, 2012
Put a VoIP app on a foldable iPad Mini cellular and you pretty much have your foldable iPhone. A pocketable mini that can double as a phone too!

I already use Mini 6 as my phone (too) with buds for calls. It works great as a phone and costs so much less (hardware & service). But it is permanently unfolded in its current form. Maybe this fully delivers the pocket-ability benefit?

I have too many important apps that aren't available for the iPad.
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macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
How about a phone that folds into an iPad which is what everyone wants but you want to keep selling us multiple products instead...

...Which runs macOS when you attach a keyboard - since I'm dreaming anyway.
Too many people here have poo pooed that idea, (only to go and biuy one when it comes out). A colleageu of mine had the foldable phone the other day and I have to say, it was great.
You don't really notice the fold in normal use but faint as it was, it would definitely OCD me out.
Plus the longevity I'd have to see.


Sep 12, 2023
It's funny how some of the same people who talk trash about foldables and also at the possibility of Apple releasing a foldable iPhone are some of the same people who can't wait for Apple to release a foldable iPad, which makes far less sense by comparison. You cannot make this stuff up!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2010
Fort Wayne, IN
Apple working on some foldable thing? That's a new one! Hopefully they'll reveal the foldable Apple Pencil 4.0™ alongside of it. The foldable pencil will have all the capabilities of a finely aged stick, but it folds and will be priced at a very affordable $59!


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2013
Too many people here have poo pooed that idea, (only to go and biuy one when it comes out). A colleageu of mine had the foldable phone the other day and I have to say, it was great.
You don't really notice the fold in normal use but faint as it was, it would definitely OCD me out.
Plus the longevity I'd have to see.
Ideally they'd fix the crease issue before they release anything - but yeah I'm jealous of folding phones after I messed with the Pixel Fold at the store. I'm a bit too engrained into the ecosystem to switch and Google's CPUs are still a year or two behind Apple so I stuck with them this cycle.

Hopefully Apple has a competing product in a couple years or I'm probably switching.
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macrumors 6502
May 16, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
I have an acquaintance who has a foldable Android phone. It's awful in my view... even when I try to envision Apple's design and quality aesthetics as much as I can.

The problem I see is that it's just not going to be good enough to get the job done at this point. In 10 years, maybe. But not now... and I doubt even then I would have an interest in this, neither as a phone nor a tablet. It seeks to solve problems that don't really exist.
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