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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Members of the European Parliament this week voted overwhelmingly in support of legislation that will compel Apple to offer a USB-C port on all iPhones, iPads, and AirPods in Europe.


The proposal, known as a directive, will force all consumer electronics manufacturers who sell devices in Europe to ensure that all new phones, tablets, laptops, digital cameras, headphones, headsets, handheld videogame consoles, and portable speakers feature a USB-C port, regardless of the manufacturer. Exemptions will only apply for devices that are too small to offer a USB-C port, such as smart watches, health trackers, and some sports equipment. This "common port" would be a world first and impact Apple in particular since it widely uses the Lightning connector instead of USB-C on many of its devices.

The Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee voted to support the legislation on Wednesday, with 43 votes in favor and just two against. In a press release, MEPs claimed that the move will reduce electronic waste, address product sustainability, and make use of different devices more convenient.

MEPs also expressed a wish to see clear information and labelling on new devices about their charging options, as well as whether or nor a product includes a charger. They claim that this will help to avoid confusion and ease purchasing decisions for consumers that own several devices and do not always need additional chargers. Apple removed the charger from all new iPhone models starting with the iPhone 12 in 2020.

In addition, MEPs want the European Commission to present a strategy for ensuring interoperability between wireless charging solutions by 2026 to prevent fragmentation and reduce waste, ensure user convenience, and avoid consumers getting locked into proprietary charging solutions. It is not clear if this would include Apple's MagSafe charging system for the iPhone and AirPods, since it is based on the Qi wireless charging standard.

In 2018, the European Commission tried to reach a final resolution on the issue but it failed to come into law. At the time, Apple warned that forcing a common charging port on the industry would stifle innovation and create electronic waste as consumers were forced to switch to new cables. The EU's effort resumed last year, with the European Commission spearheading a refreshed version of the directive. To come into effect, the European Parliament must approve the draft legislation next month, before talking with individual EU member states about the final directive.

Article Link: EU Moves One Step Closer to Mandating Apple to Switch iPhone, iPad, and AirPods to USB-C

Macintosh TV

Nov 3, 2021
This is going to be a mess. The next standard will come along and it'll take years and years to adopt it because they won't bother to pass new legislation to update things.

It's rarely good when government regulates tech. It generally leads to holding everything back.


macrumors regular
Feb 18, 2022
The EU engineers will no doubt offer their excellent technical advice to manufacturers on how to make the transition.

Oh, wait......
"Take the USB-C software you already have in iOS/iPadOS and that you've already enabled in iPads, and also enable it in the iPhone, then switch the iPhone port from Lightning to USB-C"

Was that supposed to be hard?


macrumors 68020
Jun 4, 2007
New York City
I fully support this. Everything else in the house uses USB-C, even my damn iPad. There's zero good reason for Apple not to do this other than being greedy for the accessory dollars. If they won't do the right thing, let the EU force them.
You've got to remember that non-tech people don't think like us. 99% of people will be furious when Apple switches the iPhone to USB-C because now all of their accessories and 800 lightning cables they have accumulated will all be worthless. And the EU claims this will REDUCE ewaste??? It's creating tons of it!


macrumors 65816
Sep 14, 2012
I'm not in favor of a government mandate on this type of thing, but I do believe Apple needs to kill off that ****ing lightning connector. EVERY other Apple product I have is USB-C and it annoys the hell out of me to have to carry around a separate cable just to charge my phone and Airpods.
Yeh absolutely, sometimes I wonder why they have not switched over to USB C. I think some iPads are USB C right?


Jul 4, 2019
Montréal, Canada
Crazy that Apple implemented the USB-C in almost all iPads and Macs devices, yet is so stubborn to do the same with iPhone. I know they are making money from the MFi program, but it's still probably marginal compared to all the other sources of revenu in the company.

I'm not usually a fan of governmental regulation for this kind of thing, but I hope this will work and will be a good reason for Apple to move every iPhone on USB-C

Love-hate 🍏 relationship

macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2021
"Apple warned that forcing a common charging port on the industry would stifle innovation and create electronic waste as consumers were forced to switch to new cable"

don't make me laugh.lightning is so old ,charging speeds and data transfers are beyond ridiculous.

as for the electronic waste,selling lightning accessories doesnt help the planet i'm just helps apple making more money.what a shady company really


Sep 25, 2018
while I totally do not like that politicians make these kind of mandates - Apple and all the others had plenty time to move towards USB-C across the board rather than continuing with proprietary crap.
For us consumers, it's a good thing.
Going "portliest" esp wireless charging, while convenient, it's counter environmentally friendly, wireless charging is just so inefficient

Ferc Kast

macrumors 6502
Sep 26, 2012
The Multiverse
I hope the iPhone sticks with Lightning. The transition from 30-pin to Lightning was terrible years ago; I don't want a repeat of that. Plus, I found out how unreliable USB-C connectors are when the one on my monitor snapped off the other day.

I look forward watching Apple find whatever loophole gets them out of this
They already include a USB-C to Lightning cable with the iPhones.
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