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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple may be forced to remove the Lightning port from the iPhone in favor of USB-C, according to legislation expected be presented by the European Commission next month, Reuters reports.


The legislation would establish a common charging port for all mobile phones and other relevant devices in all European Union countries. The move is expected to primarily affect Apple, since many popular Android devices already feature USB-C ports.

In 2018, the European Commission tried to reach a final resolution on the issue but it failed to come into law. At the time, Apple warned that forcing a common charging port on the industry would stifle innovation and create electronic waste as consumers were forced to switch to new cables.

A European Commission impact assessment study conducted in 2019 found that half of all charging cables sold with mobile phones had a USB micro-B connector, 29 percent had a USB-C connector, and 21 percent had a Lightning connector. The study suggested five options for a common charger, with various options that cover ports on devices and ports on power adapters.

Last year, the debate was reignited as the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted in favor of a common charger, citing less environmental waste and user convenience as the main benefits.

The executive branch of the European Union is currently drafting the legislation, according to sources speaking to Reuters, which is expected to be presented next month.

Article Link: EU Law That Could Force the iPhone to Switch to USB-C to Be Presented Next Month
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macrumors 65816
Sep 2, 2006
a gasping dying planet
this would be great overall, though with flexibility for a new standard to be allowed as things progress. All in favor of standardized plug in systems - reduces e-waste and opens up competition for companies to make compatible cords. apple wasn't too concerned about their e-waste claim when they've changed their cords before. hollow argument by them.


Oct 15, 2017
Apple can talk the talk, but they never walk the walk. At the very core of their "business model" is incompatiblity with the world at large. Just like the rest of the US with its miles, ounces and gallons.


macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2010
The iPhone is the last high performance computing device in my house that uses lightning. Everything else is on usb-c. My work computer, my MacBook Pro, android devices, and even the iPad Pro. It would be nice to just have one cable type (usb-c) for all my devices.


macrumors 65816
Sep 10, 2010
Did they do a study for how much e-waste would be generated by forcing 2/3 of all phones to switch to USB-C? If half of all phones had USB micro-B and more than a fifth have Lightning, how many of those accessories, cables, and chargers would end up in landfills because they can no longer use them with new phones? It seems to me they'd generate a lot less e-waste by forcing people to USB micro-B, though I doubt anyone would want that since it's a terrible connector.

The natural solution would be to leave things alone and stop forcing people to change if they don't want to.


macrumors 6502
May 11, 2007
Was this not raised before and it was found that they could get around this law by including an adapter in the box? Not the best solution and I can see the benefit of USB-C but Lightning is just a better connector. I don't know all the tech specs and how they compare, but physically Lightning is far better and more robust.

Just don't use Apple cables. ?


macrumors 68020
May 8, 2008
Apple can talk the talk, but they never walk the walk. At the very core of their "business model" is incompatiblity with the world at large. Just like the rest of the US with its miles, ounces and gallons.
Their business model is having unique technology with capabilities that allow them to better compete and win and keep customers. If there are billions of users who like their lightning cables what’s the Problem I hate having usb-c because I can’t use my lightning headphones on my New iPad now.


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
Apple can talk the talk, but they never walk the walk. At the very core of their "business model" is incompatiblity with the world at large. Just like the rest of the US with its miles, ounces and gallons.

And, no matter where you live (almost), Earth continues to rotate on its axis into the Sun's light rays. Every. Single. Day.

Life goes on. Even with Apple using Lightning connection for iPhone.


Jun 12, 2008
Did they do a study for how much e-waste would be generated by forcing 2/3 of all phones to switch to USB-C? If half of all phones had USB micro-B and more than a fifth have Lightning, how many of those accessories, cables, and chargers would end up in landfills because they can no longer use them with new phones? It seems to me they'd generate a lot less e-waste by forcing people to USB micro-B, though I doubt anyone would want that since it's a terrible connector.

The natural solution would be to leave things alone and stop forcing people to change if they don't want to.
Please stop making sense. These Euro-bureaucrats can't comprehend such logic.


macrumors 68020
Jul 1, 2009
I think the move to usb-c is inevitable for iPhone now that iPad Pro went that way. What I don’t like is a law that forces companies to use a specific connection. It makes it impossible to move off that when something better becomes available. The only reason lightning exists is that Apple could not get the usb-c standardization process to move fast enough and they needed a smaller reversible connector for their iPhone 5. So lightning was born. And suddenly that caused the standardization committee to get off their collective butts because the reps on the committee from Apple’s competitors wanted a tiny reversible port like Apple now had.

If this law existed 10 years ago we’d probably all be using micro-USB still with usb-c being stuck in committee.


Oct 22, 2010
How is it better?

Was this not raised before and it was found that they could get around this law by including an adapter in the box? Not the best solution and I can see the benefit of USB-C but Lightning is just a better connector. I don't know all the tech specs and how they compare, but physically Lightning is far better and more robust.

Just don't use Apple cables. ?
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macrumors 68020
Dec 23, 2015
this would be great overall, though with flexibility for a new standard to be allowed as things progress. All in favor of standardized plug in systems - reduces e-waste and opens up competition for companies to make compatible cords. apple wasn't too concerned about their e-waste claim when they've changed their cords before. hollow argument by them.

Let's be fair they have shipped over 1.5B iPhone, or more than 2B Lightning cable since they switched cords. The scale is quite different.
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