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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2022
May be I’m missing something obvious, but apps grab airplay in use whenever they want to play a video. I use my iPad to stream music to Apple TV (youtube videos). If a game plays a video, or an advertisement in a webpage auto plays a video, or the App Store wants to play a video of an app/game.. it interrupts and replaces currently streaming content on the Apple TV.

It is absolutely terrible! I’m amazed at how stupid this behaviour is. Especially since we cannot (outside of the eu) install browsers that block ads which are the worst offenders for auto playing ********. Some websites are unusable if you’re using your device to stream over airplay. If airplay is in use by another app then the next app that wants to use it should at an absolute minimum be required to ask permission to replace what’s already using it.

Someone recently asked what people did with their old iPads. I guess I’ll be keeping mine to play media to my streaming devices.


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 30, 2022
For what it’s worth, the airplay and handoff setting to ask rather than automatically play does not prevent this annoying behaviour.

And of all sites, macrumors have now added autoplaying adverts! Please get rid of them!
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