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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 17, 2008
Hi All,

I don’t remember if I reset or unpaired my watch but I somehow changed something to my home key. Since then my watch home key no longer works. The one on the phone is fine. For the life of me I can’t figure out how to delete any home Key. Neither on the watch or for that matter on the phone . I’ve checked the watch app, home app wallet. The different settings etc. I figured out how to delete a credit card and old tickets/passes just not a home key.

any thoughts? I set up the lock on the home app but even tried the manufacturer app and found nothing . The only thought I had was to completely delete my home profile and add it again. Anyone that has worked in the home app knows that is just asking for trouble… well… at least in the past it has for me..


PS: FINALLY guest access is coming in iOS 18. Should have been there day one. Does that mean guests can get homekeys sent to them?


macrumors 68020
Jun 14, 2009
If it works on your iPhone, it should work on the watch. I also don't know of any way to delete the home key from devices without deleting the lock from Home.

First, I would try to toggle express mode option on the Apple Watch in Settings->Wallet&Apple Pay->Express Mode->Access Keys->My Home.

If that doesn't work, try to un-pair and re-pair the Apple Watch.

Lastly, I'd just remove the lock from the Home app and re-add it. I wouldn't delete the entire home and rebuild it.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 17, 2008
Hi Gwang73,

Sorry I forgot to reply to your answer. In the end I was able to get it to work again by unpair/re pairing the watch. Bizarrely my watch did NOT backup when I unpaired it. Apple says it does but for whatever reason mine did not. It was not the end of the world but still weird.

I don't quite understand why apple does not allow you to delete a home key. I see many scenarios one would want to be able to do this. But it does not seem to be an option. Very strange choice.

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