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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 9, 2008
I have an external drive with financial/tax records. For security, I encrypted it. But when I mount the disk, I'm not asked to confirm password.

I went to Keychain Access, and, sure enough, the password is stored there (perhaps I approved this accidentally). So I chose "delete" for that item, but it won't delete.

A few processes are permitted to access this keychain item; perhaps that's why I can't delete it. They are: APFSUserAgent, CSUserAgent, and APFSUserAgent (yes, a repeat).

Any ideas?



macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 9, 2008
Got it. Bug in MacOS. In Keychain Access, don't try to delete an item found via searching the list. Rather, scroll to the item and delete there. Annoying!
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