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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 4, 2012
Strange reddish colouration to photos. When I checked settings I saw that a non apple part present test phone bought from UK Apple Store when it was first released and never been fixed for anything. Only just recently happened. Any ideas. Still has the apple cover I purchased when I bought phone ?


macrumors 68030
Aug 19, 2020
please provide more info: which iPhone model? which version of iOS? Attach ann example photo to your post here. Only you know wether it has the Apple cover when you bought the iPhone 🙂 - but when did you buy it? Did you buy Apple Care +, if yes, which?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 4, 2012
please provide more info: which iPhone model? which version of iOS? Attach ann example photo to your post here. Only you know wether it has the Apple cover when you bought the iPhone 🙂 - but when did you buy it? Did you buy Apple Care +, if yes, which?
The iPhone 14 Pro Max was bought in Oct just after being released by Apple in Sept. I bought AppleCare in Apple Store when I bought the phone and also got a screen protector fitted at same time by Apple in store Cover is until Oct this tear paid upfront rather than monthly
i never had any issue before nor ever had it fixed / worked at anywhere. Because of this the message under settings for camera saying it has non Apple part fitted is puzzling to me. How can this be ? Usually get new phone always from Apple Store every couple of years and add on AppleCare when I buy it as well as the fitted in store screen protector Just worried that they could refuse to fix the camera issue


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 4, 2012
Please provide a screenshot and additionally take and upload a photo here which shows the effect.
My issue is only how the settings /camera says non Apple part in camera detected when I know phone has never had anything done to it since I bought it new (not refurbished) !! Anyone please ever come across this before ?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 4, 2012
Without an example image, no one has any idea of what you are talking about.
Sorry - forget what I am referring to its the colour of background/shade of image but what concerns me is the statement on the Settings/General;/Camera saying Apple has detected a non apple part in phone camera with an exclamation mark ! beside this statement - how this can be when phon has never been repaired or worked at since bought new form Apple Store UK
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