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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 26, 2010
I am. Right now I have a S24+, which is plenty powerful to wait for the next 'revolution' in smartphone technology. To me that would be a big size phone in a very thin and light form factor. Maybe even having FaceID under the screen.

If rumors turn out to be true, maybe the 17 Slim will be to iPhone the same as iPhone X in its moment.


macrumors 6502
Feb 15, 2023
Apple will label the iPhone Slim as the slimmest and lightest smartphone in the world 🌎 It will also have no camera bump and have under display face ID. The battery 🔋 will be more hours. The camera will
Have a 1 inch sensor all in a small compact form. Apple knows it will sell like hotcakes as iPhone X did


macrumors regular
Oct 18, 2014
My answer to the original question for this post is ...........NO. I am not looking forward to a so-called iPhone 17 slim. It may be "slim", but it won't be small, and it will likely be very expensive. Two strikes against it. The existing non-pro iPhones are so good these days, that I don't see the need for Pro-level phones, much less an Ultra or whatever they would call it. Plus the high-end phones keep getting bigger and heavier over time, and it's bad enough that they killed the iPhone Mini, the perfect size and form factor, IMO, although I can deal with the existing 6.1" size.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 20, 2012
Nah not if it's a more expensive model. Apple are just trying to squeeze us dry a bit more.

If they want more money then I want a larger screen than 6.9" (which iPhone 16 Pro Max looks like it will have), much bigger battery (so thicker body), stick with titanium and not go with aluminium, better cameras, etc.

It looks like they are still obsessed with slim and want to offer a product that is arguably going to be weaker in ways than what we have right now at the top end. But of course iPhone sales are slowly so they need to do something new and exciting...that won't work if it's a new low range phone so they think they need to put it above the Pro Max.

That all said, by the time it comes out my AppleCare+ will be expired so I'll wait until I know all the information before deciding but based on what I've read right now then NOPE. I don't want it.


macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2013
No, I'm really liking the idea of the upcoming 6.3" phones which for me might be the perfect size. The 17 Slim is supposed to be either 6.5" or 6.6" and I don't want a phone that big anymore.
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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
Not really, because the Slim is a mid-range model that seems to lack the best selling features of the Pro Max. It won't have the best battery, the best camera, or the largest display. It'll be a mid-range that doesn't really satisfy anybody.

The Slim seems to be driven by Apple's desire to push more Pro Max sales. The 15 Plus had two of the same features as 15 Pro Max:

1) 6.7-inch display
2) Big battery

Basically, the Slim is an effort to further differentiate the Pro Max by making sure no other model has a big display, big battery, or best cameras.


macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2013
Not really, because the Slim is a mid-range model that seems to lack the best selling features of the Pro Max. It won't have the best battery, the best camera, or the largest display. It'll be a mid-range that doesn't really satisfy anybody.

The Slim seems to be driven by Apple's desire to push more Pro Max sales. The 15 Plus had two of the same features as 15 Pro Max:

1) 6.7-inch display
2) Big battery

Basically, the Slim is an effort to further differentiate the Pro Max by making sure no other model has a big display, big battery, or best cameras.
From what I'm reading on the Slim it is believed it will be the most expensive phone in the lineup.


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
From what I'm reading on the Slim it is believed it will be the most expensive phone in the lineup.

Only one report makes that claim, which I'm certain is inaccurate. The other two reports say the Slim will replace the Plus. All three reports say Slim will have an aluminum chassis. There is just no way such a phone with a 6.55-inch display could be marketed above Pro Max.


macrumors newbie
Jun 14, 2024
Still own a 13 Pro, I need something smaller..

Might consider jumping onto the 16 if there are no news of a smaller in the foreseeable future


macrumors 6502
May 12, 2016
For me the XS Max with its 6.5in display was absolutely perfect for me. I could use it one handed so easily. With the 13Pro Max and now 15 Pro Max I notice it’s a bit harder

I’ll probably upgrade to the 16 Pro Max which will have an even larger 6.9in display. In this case, I think i might kiss away my ability one hand reach the control center.

If a iPhone 17 Slim comes out that’s above the Pro Max, with a 6.55in display that might be actually perfect for me. However, I would need to know what sacrifices were made compared to the 17 Pro Max to make it that thin.

I’ve gotten too used to the Pro Max battery life and having the best cameras on any iPhone. And if we are talking about a Slim iPhone, battery and cameras would be the first to go probably.

Will be following new rumors very closely as we get closer to the 17s release (i know the 16 isn’t out yet haha)


macrumors 6502
Sep 17, 2015
I am confused, how a basic iPhone will get a premium build and price. Also I am confused where does this leave the Pro models will they have a design overhaul aswell.

Reverend Benny

macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2017
I still don't get the whole obsession with slim devices, sure, I remember the old motorola 90s bricks and its nice that phones have slimmed down from that. But now its just getting a but stupid and compromises are being made.
We never saw "bendgate" on the 90s bricks for a reason and the camera bump is just annoying. Make it a mm thicker, make it more reparable and rigid, focus on the width and height instead.


macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2024
Nope. Unless the camera bump is slim, it's not slim. Phone makers should listing the thickness of their devices at the thickest point, from front to lens of the camera, instead of the thinnest point of the body.

Screen will be too big for me, too.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 5, 2010
Central Tx
No. Thicker iPhones are better and easier to hold. The battery is larger / thicker and last longer. Thin phones will tend to bend easier. If a thin phone does come out for the 17 then I will get a thick case for it. Thin phones are too light in weight as well. I like the heavy iPhones. The current iPhone 15 pro max is as thin as I would like. No thinner please. I don’t even like the new M4 iPad, that’s way too thin.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 10, 2014
Yes. I would like apple to focus on design again and making beautiful devices. It’s why I started buying their products in the first place.
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