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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple wants Epic Games to pay $73.4 million in legal fees after Apple won the antitrust case brought against it by the North Carolinian games maker. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court declined to hear separate requests from both Apple and Epic Games in their long-standing lawsuit against each other regarding App Store rules, effectively closing a case that has run since August 2020.


In multiple rounds of the dispute, Apple has won on every count with the exception of just one regarding Apple's "anti-steering" rule, which the company promptly addressed on Tuesday. As a result of the Supreme Court's decision, the previous rulings stand and Apple is able to continue to disallow third-party payment processing within apps.

Now though, Apple has asked the court to allow it to bill Epic for its litigation expenses, which amount to a whopping $73,404,326. According to gamesfray's Florian Mueller, Apple came up with the number by totaling up the $82,971,401 in legal costs it spent on the case, and then adjusted that number down to $81,560,362. Apple then deducted 10% since Epic prevailed on 1 of 10 counts (Apple's anti-steering rule).

Apple bases the claim on Epic's original violation of its developer agreement, when out of the blue its Fortnite game offered an in-app payment alternative on the App Store. Epic previously accepted that it would owe damages if it lost its antitrust claims against Apple. Now that it has, Apple has issued the bill.

For its Notice of Motion, the court has set a date of March 5, 2024 to hear Apple's claim about the fees owed, "plus additional amounts Apple is incurring during this ongoing litigation, under the indemnification provision of the Developer Program License Agreement."

Article Link: Apple Wants $73.4 Million From Epic Games to Cover Its Legal Expenses


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2023
Epic is going to learn the hard way the consequences of filing frivolous lawsuits, losing, and then having to pay the consequences. Their lawyers should have advised them to pay attention to what happened and is happening today in high profile cases in the centers of power.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
If I was Epic I would basically cut my losses, pay the bill, remove ALL Epic apps from Apple app store and only make them available on Google's play store and put notices on Epic's website stating that if people want to play the mobile version of their games they are going to have to purchase an android phone. Gamers will move over to android because they need their gaming 'fix'. Yes Epic will lose out in the short term but gradually mobile gamers will move from Apple to android so they could continue to play their favorite mobile games.

If Epic were to do this, Apple would be the one to lose out big time because they get a big chunk of money from Epic's users. Yes Epic would lose money too but it would hurt Apple more if Epic stopped providing all their games on the app store.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2012
If Epic were to do this, Apple would be the one to lose out big time because they get a big chunk of money from Epic's users. Yes Epic would lose money too but it would hurt Apple more if Epic stopped providing all their games on the app store.
By your logic, Apple is making more money from Epic's games than Epic itself is making.
I doubt that.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2016
If I was Epic I would basically cut my losses, pay the bill, remove ALL Epic apps from Apple app store and only make them available on Google's play store and put notices on Epic's website stating that if people want to play the mobile version of their games they are going to have to purchase an android phone. Gamers will move over to android because they need their gaming 'fix'. Yes Epic will lose out in the short term but gradually mobile gamers will move from Apple to android so they could continue to play their favorite mobile games.

If Epic were to do this, Apple would be the one to lose out big time because they get a big chunk of money from Epic's users. Yes Epic would lose money too but it would hurt Apple more if Epic stopped providing all their games on the app store.
They are in a lawsuit with Google also that is still ongoing. Fortnight isn’t in the play store or the iOS App Store anymore


Jun 14, 2007
If I was Epic I would basically cut my losses, pay the bill, remove ALL Epic apps from Apple app store and only make them available on Google's play store and put notices on Epic's website stating that if people want to play the mobile version of their games they are going to have to purchase an android phone. Gamers will move over to android because they need their gaming 'fix'. Yes Epic will lose out in the short term but gradually mobile gamers will move from Apple to android so they could continue to play their favorite mobile games.

If Epic were to do this, Apple would be the one to lose out big time because they get a big chunk of money from Epic's users. Yes Epic would lose money too but it would hurt Apple more if Epic stopped providing all their games on the app store.
Recent history has shown otherwise.

iPhone users are very reluctant to switch to Android and while gaming brings in big bucks, Apple will do just fine.

No, the best thing Epic can do is remove Tim Sweeney and make a deal to joint advertise with Apple and get themselves back to making money.

Edit: Yes, Tim Sweeney owns a majority stake, but when you mess up and loose billions in revenue and hundreds of millions in legal fees (for both sides), maybe it’s time, with some encouragement, to step down.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 11, 2009
I hereby grant this motion.

Additionally, I further order that no employee of EPIC, INC. be permitted to use any iPhone product in the workplace or at home without specific written authorization from APPLE INC. and that all previous sales revenue received from the APPLE INC. App Store be returned.


macrumors regular
Apr 21, 2016
I hereby grant this motion.

Additionally, I further order that no employee of EPIC, INC. be permitted to use any iPhone product in the workplace or at home without specific written authorization from APPLE INC. and that all previous sales revenue received from the APPLE INC. App Store be returned.
Since the precedence will likely make them lose the same lawsuit with Google, they would have to ban all iOS and Android phones. LOL
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