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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple has significantly ramped up its spending on artificial intelligence, according to a new report from The Information that highlights Apple's AI and machine learning research.


Though Apple's AI chief John Giannandrea is said to be skeptical of AI chatbots, he established a team that is working on conversational AI four years ago. We have heard prior rumors about "Apple GPT" from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. Gurman in July said that Apple was experimenting with large language models, and some Apple employees have access to an "Ajax" internal chatbot.

With the 2022 debut of OpenAI's ChatGPT, chatbots suddenly became the must-have feature. Microsoft and Google have both launched chatbots, but there are so far no signs that Apple has a consumer-oriented product launching in the near future.

Apple's "Foundational Models" team that works on conversational AI includes just 16 people, but Apple is spending millions of dollars per day training its language models. Training large language models requires a lot of hardware, and as an example, OpenAI Sam Altman said the company spent more than $100 million for GPT-4.

According to The Information, Apple has other AI goals. The company is aiming to develop a feature that would allow a voice assistant like Siri to automate multi-step tasks. That functionality is available on the iPhone today, but workflows must be manually set up using the Shortcuts app.

The Siri team could have multi-step voice-controlled automation ready for use in iOS 18.

Apple also appears to have AI teams that are working on software to generate videos and images and multimodal AI that works with images, video, and text. The aforementioned Ajax chatbot that Apple is working with is supposedly more capable than the original ChatGPT 3.5 and has been trained on 200 billion parameters, but OpenAI's newer models are more powerful.

Article Link: Apple Spending Millions of Dollars a Day on Conversational AI


macrumors 65816
Apr 10, 2022
Considering how Google and Amazon are decreasing work on their voice assistants due to them not making enough money, I think Apple actually has a shot at taking the first place trophy next year for voice assistant for the first time since they were the only option… That would be a wild shake up in the state of affairs.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 13, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario
The fact that Siri has had virtually zero iterative updates tells me they’re working on a completely separate and new AI assistant, as opposed to improving their existing moron offering.

Apple is not known to hurry; they take their time and get it right.

I have no doubt their implementation of an AI assistant will be spectacular for average consumers (not likely for business), when it’s eventually ready.

The question is: How many people will have already left by then, having moved-on to other ecosystems that have AI assistants now? And we all know how difficult it is to get out once you’re entrenched in ecosystem…


macrumors regular
Dec 14, 2013
I really do hope Apple is working on "AI" (computer oral interface functionality and pattern recognition algorithms) completely separate and parallel to Siri. It cannot possibly go unnoticed by the leaders at Apple that Siri is a disaster. I get that Apple needs a horse in the race, and right now Siri is that horse so they can't just cancel it, but they should have realized years ago that Siri was a losing proposition and continues to lag further and further behind its competitors, especially Google. I am hoping they have a "dark horse" waiting in the wings, to take over everything Siri currently does very poorly, does it much better, more accurately, more sensibly, more reliably, and significant upgrades in the expanse of what it can do, all of it done easily. For the kings of interface design, Apple has really fallen hard on oral user computer interfaces.


macrumors 6502
Jun 17, 2010
Southern California
I don't need a more conversational Siri, I need one that can do more than set a timer.

In all seriousness, it's great to see Apple investing so much.
If anything your first line should be serious.....they need to actually get Siri to function as it was intended to first, the competition is leaps and bounds better....


macrumors 68000
Jun 13, 2011
I get that AI is all the rage and there's definitely a competition happening to make the AI/ML endeavours shine (if anything, it's good for investors/stock appreciation), but let's hope this isn't just a muscle-flexing op and that real progress is made.


macrumors regular
Nov 19, 2015
4 years…that’s great. In the meantime….

Hey Siri, add olive oil to the shopping list
Hang on a sec…
Still trying…

Hey Siri, volume 30
Hey Siri????
Hey Siri, volume 30!!!
One sec…
I‘m having a problem…

I swear to God, I almost threw my new large paired Homepods out the window while cooking dinner last night!!!
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