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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple on late Thursday into Friday removed the popular messaging and social media apps WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, and Threads from its App Store in China at the request of the Chinese government, The Wall Street Journal reported.


In a statement shared with several media outlets, Apple said China's national internet regulator ordered the removal of the apps from the App Store in the country due to unspecified "national security concerns." Apple said it is "obligated to follow the laws in the countries where we operate, even when we disagree."

Apple has complied with similar App Store removal orders from the Chinese government in the past for apps related to VPNs, news, and more.

Note: The discussion thread for this topic is located in our Political News forum, where posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Apple Pulls WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, and Threads From App Store in China Following Order
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Surf Monkey

Oct 3, 2010
Portland, OR
Take note of the uproar that is sure to come in this thread, then compare it to the reaction to when the US forces TikTok out of the picture.

The US government is not going to do anything to TikTok. That’s all posturing for campaign publicity. TikTok is just the latest target for politicians who don’t know the first thing about technologies and apps. Just like all the other social networks, which have come under basically the same pressure at one time or another.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
Look at the crap Apple has been giving the EU for the past months/year over it's DMA (Digital Markets Act) requirements, they have moaned, complained, gone to court, still moaned and complained, rumoured to leave the EU if Apple was forced to comply with certain rulings and yet when China tells Apple to comply with it's rulings/law, Apple complies with nothing more than 'we comply with the law even if we disagree'. That is not exactly how Apple behaved with the EU was it. Just goes to show how important China is to Apple because when China say's 'jump' Apple replies with 'how High'. When the EU tells Apple to 'jump', Apple replies with 'F off, we'll see you in court'.


macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2011
Look at the crap Apple has been giving the EU for the past months/year over it's DMA (Digital Markets Act) requirements, they have moaned, complained, gone to court, still moaned and complained, rumoured to leave the EU if Apple was forced to comply with certain rulings and yet when China tells Apple to comply with it's rulings/law, Apple complies with nothing more than 'we comply with the law even if we disagree'. That is not exactly how Apple behaved with the EU was it. Just goes to show how important China is to Apple because when China say's 'jump' Apple replies with 'how High'. When the EU tells Apple to 'jump', Apple replies with 'F off, we'll see you in court'.
Is not the same thing, with China you know that there’s no garantes of an open market.
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